Chapter 18 She's lying

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Grace's P.O.V.

I storm out of the room, fuming with anger, and head to the kitchen to eat something because I have been starving since morning.

How could he lock me in the bathroom because of a mere servant? What did he think of himself? I'll certainly make him regret doing this with me.

As I stand up from the dining table after finishing my meal, Steve's father, who has always been kind and warm, approaches me.

He looks at me with concern and asks, "How are you feeling, Grace? Steve told me you're not well."

So Steve lied to him. Now it's my time to teach him a lesson for messing up with me.

I decide to put on a drama to gain sympathy. Sobbing, I say, "I've had a terrible day, Dad. Steve locked me in the bathroom for the entire day just because I accidentally dropped a cup of coffee on the servant."

His expression transforms into one of disbelief, and he speaks with anger. "What the hell? I can't believe it. Trust me, Grace. He was never like this before."

I continue my act, tears streaming down my face. "I don't know why he hates me so much."

He holds my hand in a comforting gesture. "You come with me, Grace. I'll make him understand."

My eyes are still swollen from fake crying, and I respond, my voice shaky, "No, you shouldn't, Dad. I don't want to create more issues between you both."

But his determination is unwavering. "No, Grace. This time he has crossed the limit."

He marches to Steve's room, and I follow him with a mischievous smile still playing on my lips. I know that I've successfully manipulated the situation to my advantage. I can feel the satisfaction building within me as I prepare to confront Steve for his actions.

As we reach his room, I watch him knock on the door, his expression stern.

Steve opens the door, surprise visible on his face when he sees his father and me.

His father gets straight to the point, his voice firm. "Steve, you've crossed a line. Grace told me what you did. Locking her in the bathroom for the entire day? That's not how we treat people, especially in this family."

Steve's eyes dart between his father and me, realising that I've painted him in a very negative light. I give him a sly grin, causing him to frown, and when his father looks at me, I change my expression to an innocent one.

"Why are you glaring at her, Steve? Talk to me." His father demands.

He defends himself. "Dad, she's lying. She deliberately threw the cup at the servant-"

He interrupts him firmly, not buying Steve's explanation. "I don't want to hear excuses, Steve. You know better than this. You can't treat anyone like that, especially not your wife."

I continue to play my part, sniffling and wiping away fake tears. "Dad, I just want to forget this day and move on. I don't want to create any more problems."

Steve interrupts, "Dad, please, believe me, she is lying to you." I watch with a hidden satisfaction as he tries hard to convince his father that he is innocent.

His father doesn't back down, his tone is still stern. "You owe Grace an apology, and you need to sort this out. Locking her in the bathroom is not how you handle conflicts."

Steve snaps, irked. "I can't believe that you trust her more than your son. Dad, I don't want to talk to you. You live with your daughter-in-law happily. Just let me sleep in peace."

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