Chapter 44 I missed our proximity

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Steve and I enter the room where Olivia has been taking care of our little twins.

Steve's eyes light up as he approaches the crib where Giana and Evan lie peacefully. "Hey, my little munchkins. Daddy missed you." He coos, gently picking them up one by one and kissing their foreheads.

A contented smile spread across my face as I stand by, watching him with the twins. The way he holds them, the affection in his eyes—it's a sight that warms my heart. I never thought that I would ever experience this. But the more I experience this side of him, the more I fall for him.

"Olivia, you can go to the guest room. When we need any help, we'll give you a call." As Steve orders her, she leaves after nodding.

He embraces Giana closer to his heart with a contented smile on his face. "Princess, you have no idea how much Daddy missed these cuddles."

As he spends time with Giana and Evan, I receive a message on my phone.

It's from Elsa.

Elsa: Hello, babes. What's going on?

I sit on the sofa, typing.

Me: I'm just facing media questions every day, and Steve's father's hatred. However, I'm glad that Steve is there with me in all these.

Elsa: He is a nice man, Grace. And I'm sure he loves you, therefore he is still supporting you.

As soon as I read her text, my eyes automatically went towards Steve. I really wish her words are true.

'I just want to let you know that if you want to keep them in your life, you have to stay with me, just as a mother of them.' His words echo in my mind.

Me: But he always says that he is letting me stay with him because I'm a mother of his babies.

I text her back, pouring my heart out. Knowing the kind of person Steve is, there's no doubt that he can be good to me because I'm the mother of his children.

Elsa: Whatever it is, Grace. Just don't lose him now.

I again glance at Steve, who is still engrossed in playing with the twins. My lips curve automatically into a small smile, while my eyes become a little teary at seeing my little family making memories. I never want to lose them. Never. But do I seriously deserve a person like Steve in my life? He has a heart of gold, and what am I? Nothing compared to him.

Me: I'll try my best to fix things between us because I want him as my husband again. But sometimes I feel like I don't deserve his support after all the mistakes I've made.

A tear trickles down my eyes as I type whatever is in my heart and mind, bothering me from deep inside.

Elsa: Grace, everyone makes mistakes. It's about learning and growing. Steve sees something in you, and that's why he's standing by you.

I read her text and glance again at Steve, pondering Elsa's words. It's true; Steve has been there for me, supporting me. Maybe there's a chance he'll be ready to make me his wife again. Even though I feel like he is way too good for me, I can still hope for him to be mine again.

I truly desire him in my life; it's more than just a want—it's a need. His presence brings me happiness and peace. Without him, my life feels empty; every moment lacks joy and completeness.

I will change myself for him. I will make myself worthy of him. Although I can't erase whatever I did in the past, I promise myself that I will be a better version of myself. Just for him!

Me: You're right, Elsa. I should focus on learning from my mistakes and becoming a better person for Steve and the twins.

Wiping my tears, I text her back with a determined expression.

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