Chapter 62 Where is Giana?

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Fuck! Where is Giana? What happened to Olivia? Did...Did he kidnap her? No, no. This can't happen.

After shaking my head, with my trembling hand, I immediately call the bodyguard whom I asked to stay outside, and now regretting terribly for my decision.

"I shouldn't have asked the bodyguard to stay outside." As I murmur, holding the phone to my ear, tears trickle down my cheeks.

But he doesn't answer the call, making me more anxious.

Fuck! With each passing second, my fear is intensifying. Giana, where are you?

Evan's cries become louder, and I scoop him up, holding him close as tears stream down my face. "It's going to be okay, Evan. Mama is here. We'll find your sister."

"Gaina... My baby came back to Mama." I call out to her while sobbing, hoping that she will come back to me, listening to my voice.

After calling the police and ambulance, I call Steve, my hands trembling.

"I think you're missing so much. I'm coming..." he pauses as he hears my sob. "What happened, Love? Are you alright?" He asks, his voice tinged with worry.

"Steve." I cry out. "Giana..."

"What happened to her?" He asks, panicking. "Is she alright?" As I sob louder, not understanding how to tell him, he urges. "You're scaring me, Grace. Say something."

"Giana has been missing, Steve." I hiccup. "I..." I tell him everything, crying. "I'm sorry, Steve. Because of me..."

"Giana will be alright." He reassures me, but his voice quivers with concern. "Just stay calm, love. I'll be there soon," he promises before hanging up.

Holding, Evan closer to me, I ask about Giana from the people present in the park.

Minutes feel like hours, my heart pounding with fear and anguish. Every passing second without knowing where Giana is feels like an eternity of torment.


Steve's P.O.V.

Tears trickle down my cheeks, my entire body trembling as I sit in the car backseat, calling the detective, and all the authorities to search for my lost daughter.

I can't bear the thought of anything happening to my little princess. The mere idea of her being out there, alone and vulnerable, fills me with anxiety. Every moment that passes without news of Giana's whereabouts feels like an eternity of agony.

"Please, God. Keep her fine and bring her back to us." I enchant this prayer constantly until I reach the park with the police.

As I step into the park, my heart sinks at the sight of Grace, her face etched with worry and fear, tears streaming down her cheeks as she desperately questions passersby about Giana's whereabouts. Her condition intensifies the ache in my heart.

As I rush towards her, she looks at me with guilt, pain and fear in her eyes. "I'm sorry, Steve. I couldn't protect our daughter."

I pull her into my arms, sandwiching Evan. "We will find her," I reassure her, my voice trembling with emotion. "We'll search every corner of this park, leave no stone unturned until we bring Giana home safe and sound."

My mind races with a million thoughts and fears. What if something terrible has happened to her? What if we never find her?

No, No. She'll be fine. We'll find her.

I reassure myself before pulling away from Grace and wiping my tears.

"Let's find our daughter, Grace," I utter with determination before taking Evan in my arms and hugging him.

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