Chapter 61 He's The Best Husband

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Steve's P.O.V.

Four Months Later

I return home after a long day at work, carrying three bouquets for my angels: a red roses bouquet for my wifey, and two small pink and blue roses bouquets for my little ones.

As I step into the room, the sight in front of my eyes brings a smile to my face and takes away all the exhaustion of my entire day.

Twins who are now eight months old, sitting on the bed, playing with the blocks and conversing with each other in their own language. While Grace is lying facing them, completely engrossed in them with a smile on her face.

Giana looks super adorable, with two fountain ponytails dolled up in a pink frock, and Evan is clad in a white t-shirt with black denim shorts. Grace loves to dress them up and make a daily blog with them.

I can't believe they are now eight months old. They're growing so fast. It seems like just yesterday they were born, and I took them in my arms for the first time.

And now it's been seven months of my heavenly beautiful and passionate life with my wife, since everything has been sorted between us. Our relationship is becoming stronger with each passing day. We still fight sometimes, but we never let each other sleep in a bad mood. We communicate and try to understand each other in every situation.

When Grace has photoshoots, I take care of the twins, and other times, she stays with the twins twenty-four hours. She is so perfect when it comes to handling the babies.

I still can't believe sometimes she is the Grace whom I had met two years ago, who was a manipulative and cunning woman. However, her childhood trauma transformed her into that person. My love and babies have helped her rediscover her true self and become the loving mother and wife she is today.

Witnessing her devotion to our family fills me with admiration and gratitude, knowing how far we've come from the challenges we faced in the past. The one-night stand, our contract marriage, our arguments, our separation, and all the past sufferings and heartbreaks were worth it because they led us to the life we're living today.

As I approach them, Grace looks up at me with those mesmerising brown eyes. It's hard to believe that just a few months ago, our relationship was strained, and we were struggling to find our way back to each other.

As I stand beside her, I lean down and place a soft kiss on her lips. "This is for you, Wifey." As I give her the bouquet, her eyes sparkle.

"These are so beautiful, Steve." As she gives me a quick hug after kneeling on the bed, the twins whine, trying to pull us away.

These jealous little ones! They can't see Grace and me hugging or kissing. In fact, they can't even let us hold each other's hands. With each passing day, they're growing more and more possessive for us. It's endearing to see how much they crave our attention and affection, but sometimes it frustrates us as well. I can't even cuddle my wife when they're awake.

We pull apart, chuckling, and they stretch their chubby arms towards me.

"Oh my little angels, look what I have brought for you." As I give them the bouquets, they giggle, grasping them with enthusiasm. Grace and I share a smile, watching their joyful reactions.


Grace's P.O.V.

Four Months Later

Sitting on the rocking chair, I watch twins crawling all around their room. Steve and I have designed the interior of the nursery, keeping both of our babies' preferences in mind. The walls are painted a light pink, and the ceiling is a soft blue. Evan's crib on the left has a blue and white colour scheme, while Giana's crib on the right has a pink and white colour scheme. The room is decorated with stars, moons, and clouds, and it connects directly to Steve's and my bedroom.

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