Chapter 64 I Want Your Wife

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Steve's P.O.V.

One Week Later

It's been two weeks, and we still have no clue about Giana. Every day, it feels like a burden. I can't stop myself from wondering about the worst possibilities.

If someone had kidnapped her for money, he would have called her till now. But nobody called us. We're clueless about where our daughter is.

I miss everything about Giana: her innocent smile, her gorgeous blue eyes, and her sweet laugh.

God! With each passing second, the pain is intensifying.

Will we ever be able to see her again? Is she fine? How will she be living without us? These thoughts drive me and Grace insane. Sometimes it feels like good days will never come back.

Grace stays strong for me, but I can see that she is living with guilt every day that she failed to protect our daughter. I seriously don't know what would I have done if Grace wasn't with me these days. Her words give me hope that we'll surely get back our daughter to us.

The loud ringing of Grace's phone brings me back to the earth. Grace is taking the shower, and Evan is sleeping. It's early morning. Grace and I have been hardly sleeping for two weeks. Restlessness and endless thoughts of Giana don't let us sleep. Evan also stays upset and quiet because he misses his sister as much as we miss her. He cries without a reason and keeps lying, hugging me or Grace. Sometimes he refuses to drink milk or eat anything.

As Grace's phone rings continuously, I pick it up from the side table.

My brows narrow in confusion, seeing the unknown number. Why do I feel like it's a kidnapper's call for the ransom?

"Hello," I answer it, my heart thumping.

After a few minutes of silence, I hear a male voice from the other end. "Hello, Mr Steve Grey."

"Who are you?" I ask, my brows furrowing in confusion.

"I've heard your daughter is missing," he replies in a calm tone, but his words ignite a fire of anger within me.

"That's none of your business. Just tell me who you are and why you called my wife," I retort, feeling my frustration mounting.

"Calm down, Mr Grey or your daughter will suffer the consequences," he threatens, and my heart clenches at the thought of my daughter in danger.

My daughter is with him. I feel a surge of rage, but a small part of me is relieved that finally I get a clue about her.

Without wasting a single second, I text the detective to trace his number.

"What do you want? And who are you?" I inquire, gripping the phone tightly in an attempt to compose myself. "And don't you dare lay a finger on my daughter?"

"I won't harm her if you meet my demands," he replies cryptically.

I'm willing to do anything to ensure my daughter's safety, even if it means fulfilling this stranger's demands.

"I'll give you whatever amount of money you want. Just return my daughter to me," I offer, desperation evident in my voice.

"Money isn't the only thing I desire." He speaks, sending a chill down my spine.

What the fuck does he want?

"What else?" I demand, my stomach churning with dread. "I'll give you anything. Nothing matters more to me than my daughter's safety."

"Not even your wife?" He taunts.

I snap, "What the fuck do you mean?"

"I mean, Mr. Grey, I want your wife for one night in exchange for your daughter. It's time to settle some unfinished business from years ago."

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