Chapter 50 A surprise

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Steve's P.O.V.

As Grace bathes Evan in the bathroom, I spend quality time with my little princess.

I sit cradling her in my arms, speaking to her in a soft tone, and she gazes at me with a constant, adorable smile on her face. The way she loses herself while looking into my eyes is an indescribable feeling, unlike anything else in the world.

"You know, you're so beautiful. Your tiny blue eyes, I love the most." I take her hand in mine and kiss all over it. "And your little hands are so soft that Daddy wants to kiss them all the time. I want to eat you up!" I hold her out in front of me and give her a kiss on the nose, and she sucks on my cheek, making me laugh.

After a few minutes, Grace emerges from the bathroom, holding little Evan in a bathrobe with his name embroidered on it.

"It's your turn to take a bath, little princess." She gives Evan to me and takes Giana from me.

She heads to give Giana a bath, leaving me with Evan. As I carefully cradle him in my arms, I talk to him, my heart overflowing with love.

"Look at you, my little champ. Your mom and I are so lucky to have you and your sister. You've brought so much joy into our lives." I kiss his forehead, relishing the softness of his delicate skin.

Evan looks up at me with his innocent eyes, captivated by the sound of my voice as I dress him in his tiny clothes, conversing with him.

I finish up by putting on a cute onesie. "There you go, buddy. All dressed up and looking handsome." I hold him up to admire the result. He gurgles in response, a delightful sound that warms my heart.

A smile flashes on my face as I hear Grace humming a lullaby as she tends to Giana in the bathroom.

Today, it feels so good and refreshing. It's like I've got everything I could ever dream of in my life right now.

However, something has been weighing heavily on my mind ever since I inquired about Grace's past. I can't shake the memory of her trembling body and her grip tightening on my shirt in fright. It shocked me to the core because I had never seen her so afraid before. At that moment, all I wanted was to make disappear whatever was troubling her, even without knowing the details, so I decided to give her pleasure. But our twins interrupted us with their cries, and I couldn't fully satisfy her or erase her dreadful thoughts.

When I wonder what she went through that transformed her into a heartless and emotionless person, I feel a pang of fear deep within me. I want to seek into the darkest corners of her soul, to know the depths of her pain, and the reasons behind her guarded heart. But I also fear that the truth may be too painful, too difficult for me to bear.

Yet, I also know that I love her unconditionally and want to support her through whatever she may have experienced.

That's why I've planned a surprise for her to make her feel special and help her forget about everything else.


As Grace feeds the twins, they fall to a peaceful slumber, and we lay them in the crib.

Olivia enters after knocking on the door. She greets us with a warm smile and asks, "Did you call me, sir?"

"Yes, Olivia. Grace and I are heading out for an hour." I glance at Grace through the corner of my eyes and see a hint of surprise crossing her face. "Please take good care of the twins, and if they cry, call us immediately."

Olivia nods, reassuring me, "Of course, sir. I'll make sure they're well taken care of. Enjoy your time."

As I take Grace's hand in mine and come out of the room, she enquires in a curious tone, "Where are we going, Steve?"

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