Chapter 19 Determined To Expose Her

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Steve's P.O.V.

The next day,

I'm still boiling with anger over the previous night's drama. It's really disheartening when someone lets you down.

I walk directly towards the main door of the mansion, not even sparing a glance at my father, who is sitting with Grace at the breakfast table.

"At least have breakfast, Steve." He calls after me, but his words fall on deaf ears. I'm too disappointed with him to respond, so I just leave.


After winding up my work, I call Jace and Mike to meet me because I need to vent my frustration and disappointment over the recent events involving Grace and my father.

As we sit down in my cabin, I let out a heavy sigh. "Guys, you won't believe what happened at home yesterday."

Mike raises an eyebrow. "Now what did Grace do?"

I lean in and speak in a low, irritated tone. "She manipulated my father, telling him I locked her in the bathroom without the fault of her. And he took her side. I couldn't believe it."

"Man, that's so wrong. I can't believe Grace is causing so much trouble." Jace shakes his head in disbelief.

I nod, frustrated. "You have no idea, guys. I'm so disappointed in my father. I thought he would trust me over her, but he let her play the victim."

"You know, sometimes parents just want to keep the peace. They don't always understand the whole situation," Jace tries to explain to me.

I run a hand through my hair, still feeling conflicted. "I get that, Jace, but it's just frustrating."

Mike interrupts with a grin, trying to lighten the mood. "Well, you can't change the situation now. Why don't we go out and hit the club tonight? You could use a break."

With a nod, I agree. "That sounds like a great idea. Let's have some fun tonight. I need to clear my mind and forget about all this mess at home."

Jace's P.O.V.

I'm at the club with my friends, but I can't shake off the feeling of missing Zara. Spending time with her has become a habit, and I feel an emptiness in my heart without her.

I think about leaving the club to meet Zara, but then I glance over at Steve, who's trying to enjoy himself despite the recent family drama. I can't leave my friend when he needs his friends the most.

After a moment of internal conflict, I decide to call Zara, hoping to hear her voice and find solace. I pull out my phone and dial her number, but my worry intensifies when she doesn't answer. I try a few more times, growing increasingly anxious with each unanswered call.

She never ignored my calls like this before. What happened to her? I just hope she is fine.

Steve and Mike notice the tension on my face. Concerned, Steve asks, "Jace, what's going on? You seem not fine."

I run my hand through my hair. "I've been trying to call Zara, but she's not answering. It's making me anxious."

"Maybe she's busy or didn't hear the phone. Don't stress too much about it, Jace." Mike reassures me.

I nod, trying to shake off the unease. "You're right. I shouldn't overthink it."

Steve puts his hand on my shoulder. "You should go check her if you're worried about her."

"I think I should go." I quickly make my way out of the club, my mind filled with concern for Zara.

Zara's P.O.V.

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