Chapter 49 Dreadful Memories

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As I feed Evan, Giana's cries fill the room.

I reassure her with a gentle smile, "Don't worry, my sweet princess. Mommy will be with you in just a moment."

However, her cries become louder, and as I place Evan beside me to pick up Giana, he also begins crying.

I grumble, "Here you both are crying and look how peacefully your daddy is sleeping."

"Wake up, husband." As I shout, shaking Steve, they both stop crying for a second to cry even louder.

He stirs from his beauty slumber, blinking his eyes open in confusion.

"Wake up, husband," I repeat, giving him a gentle shake.

As he fully wakes up and sees our wailing babies, a look of mild panic crosses his face.

"What's happening?" He asks, still half-asleep, rubbing off his eyes.

He looks so adorable. Stop admiring your husband and focus on your babies. They are crying. I chide myself.

"Both of them decided to have a crying concert, and you were the only one not participating." I tease, trying to lighten the mood despite the chaos.

If I were the old Grace, I would have banged my head on the wall because of frustration. Motherhood has unlocked a different side of me, one that is calm and patient. I no longer let the little things bother me. Instead, I focus on finding solutions and comforting my family.

"Grace, be serious. The babies are crying so much." Steve freaks out, jumping out of the bed.

"Actually, they both are hungry. Help me feed them both." As I tell him, he lifts Giana from the crib, who sobs, staring at him with innocent eyes. I smile at them, holding up Evan to feed him again. Giana buries her face in her father's chest for the milk, causing us to chuckle.

"Mommy will feed you. Unfortunately, I can't feed you, princess." He murmurs before giving her to me and putting the pillows under our little ones.

"My baby, Mommy is sorry to make you wait for the milk." I apologise to her while feeding her.

As they both have their milk, Steve sits down beside me and caresses their hair.

"They're miracles," Steve says, his voice filled with awe as he watches Giana and Evan feed.

I nod, smiling at the truth in his words. "Our little miracles indeed. I can't believe a month ago, they were in my belly, and now they're in my arms." I lean down to kiss them with tears of joy in my eyes.

Throughout my entire pregnancy, I envisioned a life with Steve and our babies. There were moments when I doubted if it would ever become a reality, but now that I'm living it, I feel like I'm soaring with happiness.

At this moment, all I desire is to be with my husband and our babies forever.

They complete me, and I desire nothing else.

Yet, deep within my heart, there remains a longing for Steve's father to forgive me and witness the transformation within me. I hold on to hope for that day to arrive soon.

As they finish their feeding, their tiny hands curl around our fingers. Giana, now content after her feed, looks up at Steve with her big, innocent blue eyes. She stretches out her tiny arms towards him, making a soft cooing sound. Steve, understanding her demand, carefully takes her into his arms.

"Hey there, Daddy's little star," Steve coos back at her. "I can see your tummy is full now."

Giana responds with a gurgling sound, content in her father's arms. Evan is peacefully nestled in my embrace, playing with the button of my shirt.

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