Chapter 56 Her Studio Opening

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Steve's P.O.V.

"Oh, the suspense is killing me! Where are you taking me, Steve? I can't wait!" I can feel the excitement in Grace's voice as I guide her down the corridor, covering her eyes with a black blindfold. Ever since she came back into my life, I've been planning this surprise. Can't wait to see her reaction!

Since the beginning, I've always had this plan in mind: to shower the woman I love with endless happiness. And now, I'm making it a reality by bringing profound joy into my wife's life.

"It won't be much of a surprise if I spill the beans, will it?" I tease, wrapping my arm around her waist to guide her steps. The warmth of her body against mine sends a thrill through me.

As we walk, I steal glances at her, admiring the way her face lights up with every step. Grace has been through so much, and she deserves every bit of happiness I can give her.

As we enter a room, I stand behind her. "Okay, Wifey, prepare to be amazed," I utter before taking off her blindfold, more excited than her, to see her reaction.

I watch eagerly as she blinks in the sudden light, taking in the scene before her. A gasp escapes her lips at the sight of her own studio room.

Yes, the surprise is this. I want my Grace to follow her passion again. I had noticed how her work brought her so much confidence and fulfilment in the past. And the spark in her eyes when she was fully immersed in her work a year ago, so I want to bring that same spark back.

"This is for you, Wifey. I want you to continue your work." I say, holding her hand, and she stands frozen, her eyes darting around the room in disbelief. The room is filled with all the equipment she needs to pursue her passion for vlogging and content creation.

I have designed every corner of this room myself according to her preferences because she deserves the best.

She turns towards me. "Steve, I... I don't know what to say." Her voice quivers as she speaks, struggling to find the right words because of overwhelming emotion.

I squeeze her hand, a soft smile playing on my lips. "You don't have to say anything, Love. I just want you to follow your passion, to do what makes you truly happy."

She shakes her head. "I can't do this, Steve," she murmurs, her voice trembling. "Nobody will want to work with me. After what happened a year ago, I left everything in the middle. I have lost more than half of my followers." My heart aches at the pain in her voice.

"Grace, listen to me." I clasp her face, my eyes locking with hers. "You are talented, passionate, and incredibly brave. Yes, you made mistakes in the past, but that doesn't define who you are now. You have the power to rise above your fears and prove to yourself—and to the world—that you are capable of greatness."

I try my best to encourage her.

"Steve, what you have done for me, it means a lot to me. But you're not getting me. I have left everything in the middle. No brand will work with me. My followers won't support me."

I listen to her words, her voice heavy with doubt and uncertainty, and my heart sinks. I understand her fears and her hesitations, but I refuse to let her give up on her dreams—not now, not ever.

I want my wife to fly high, and I have planned everything for this.

"Love, I understand that you're afraid," I whisper, my voice filled with determination. "But you can't let your past mistakes hold you back from pursuing your passion. Yes, you may have lost some followers, but that doesn't mean you can't rebuild, that you can't start anew."

I pause, taking a deep breath before continuing. "And as for brands not wanting to work with you, well, I have a surprise for you." I give her a smile, and her brows narrow in confusion. "I want to make you the brand ambassador of my clothing company."

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