Chapter 42 Our Little Troublemaker!

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The car pulls into the driveway of our New York mansion, and as the driver opens the door, I step out and take Evan in my arms from his cot.

As Grace and Giana emerge from the car, my gaze turns towards them and my eyes soften, feeling immense contentment with her and our babies' presence.

When I left the house for the meeting a few days ago, I wasn't at peace. All I wanted was Grace. I just longed for her presence. Little did I know that when I returned, I would not only have Grace with me but also these two adorable munchkins who fill me with immense strength and love just by being there.

"Let's go," I say, giving a small smile to Grace as I notice her staring at me and then at the mansion, looking a little nervous. She nods, and we move towards the entrance.

The house is decorated with balloons and banners. It's as if the entire mansion is prepared for a celebration.

We walk to the main entrance, cradling the twins. The door opens, and Dad gives a stern look to Grace before looking at the twins with awe and affection.

"Welcome home, my angels." Dad's voice carries genuine happiness as he extends his arms to take Giana from Grace.

She hands over our daughter to him, and he kisses her forehead.

As we step inside, he suggests, "I have something special in mind. Let's capture the memories by taking the footprints of twins."

"Wow! Dad, it is such a wonderful idea." As I appreciate his idea, he smiles at me.

He glares at Grace before moving his eyes back to me. "But ask your ex-wife to go to her room because I can't tolerate her presence."

I glance at Grace. Her eyes have become moist after listening to his harsh words. My heart aches to see her upset, but taking a deep breath, I compose myself.

"Dad, please, she is the mother of Evan and Giana. She deserves to be there in their special moments." I explain to him.

"Isn't it enough, Steve, that I'm allowing her to stay here with us?" He questions me after glaring at Grace.

"Dad—" before I can convince him, she intrudes.

"It's okay, Steve. I'm going to the room." She leaves from there, disheartened, and I clench my hands, controlling my anger. He just can't keep hurting her. I know he is my father, and he has every right to be angry at her, but not like this. He can't keep insulting her.

"Dad, please stop doing this. She is getting hurt." I plead with my father, my tone laced with frustration and concern. My heart aches to see her in pain.

"Don't tell me you love her, Steve." I pause, taken aback by my father's direct question.

Love? Of course, I still love Grace, despite everything that has happened between us. My love for her remains unwavering. I'm hurt and may feel anger at some point, but that doesn't mean I will stop loving her. It's not in my hands. My heart still beats for her, no matter what.

I inhale deeply before expressing my true feelings. "Dad, it's true that I love her, and I've never stopped loving her since the day I met her. I'm ready to make her a part of our family." It was necessary to speak from the heart; otherwise, Dad would continue to insult her.

"Please don't do this because you'll regret it, my son. Don't trust that woman." His words hit me, stirring up conflicting emotions. Part of me wants to lash out in defence of Grace, to stand up for the woman I love despite my father's disapproval. But another part of me, a smaller and quieter voice, whispers doubts and fears, reminding me of the pain and heartache that Grace has brought into my life.

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