thirty four

335 8 3

She was woken up by 8am. It was the day of the premiere. She rubbed her eyes as she scanned through the living room, to notice that everyone had been still asleep.

Nalani's hand fell to the free spot on her right, where her phone was normally laying on but this time it was gone. She searched up the entire bed, still trying to keep it quiet to not wake anyone up and as she looked down, she spotted her phone laying on the floor as it must've fell down the sofa when she was sleeping.

She grabbed the phone and the bright screen hit her in the eyes straight away and as she scanned through the notifications, she spotted that one specific name that made her sick to her stomach at 8am.


you've missed a call from 🔔ingham!

what are you doing
no way you're already sleeping at this time
pick up
you know tmz is talking shit

you've missed a call from 🔔ingham!

go to sleep just like that
it's all fake nala
i'm sorry
just pick up the damn phone for once

you've missed a call from 🔔ingham!

i'm at jacks now
i love u

nalani 💞
if you didn't do it then what
are you saying sorry for?

because i feel bad
you know it's fake
it's tmz
none of this has happened

nalani 💞
the pictures showed me otherwise

let's just talk
before the premiere ??

nalani 💞
give me some space
i hope you don't expect me to still take you
with me to the premiere
your actions rlly did hurt me yk
i'm gonna text you once im home

take your time
i know what it looks like
and i fully understand you nala
i love u

Not much how she felt the disappointment stinging in her, she still remembered to stay calm - atleast until the premiere is over. She has been waiting for this moment ever since she was a little kid, and she wouldn't let anyone take it from her because of the media.

She immediately made sure to text Miya if it was possible for her to cancel jude's invite and switch him up with one of her friends instead, but as she was about to reply, she got stirred out of her thoughts by Madelyn, who has just woken up.

"hey", Nalani whispered.

"hey", Madelyn answered with a smile while rubbing her eyes to check her phone properly. "has jude contacted you?"

"yeah", she whispered as she stared down at her folded hands.

"what did he say?!", the blonde girl breathed out while getting closer to Nalani to be able to read the messages.

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