Chapter 3 (Help)

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Chapter Three

Sunghoon POV

"Fucking stop it," I snapped at Jimin. 'He's not even here." I was hoping that would get Jimin off me. Instead he kept to my side and kept his hand locked with mine. When he didn't pull away, I got up, fucking sick of the show. "You've made your point,now piss off."

"I thought we could watch a movie." Jimin said, pretending to be innocent. "Come on, sunghoon, calm down."

"You've come. You've made your point, now fuck off, Jimin."

"You know what, I don't think I have made my point because you are still clinging to the chance he is going to take you back!" Jimin got up abruptly. "He still looks at you like you are his."

"I am his!" I would always be Taehyung's. He was my other half. I never wanted to hurt him. I never wanted to not be by his side. So right now I was suffering.
"No. You are mine," Jimin put down a fake claim on me again.

He could say it over and over. He could lay claim on me anyway he wanted. It didn't change the fact that my heart, every single piece of me, belonged to Taehyung.

"You better start living up to the expectations, sunghoon, because I'm not getting the thrill out of black mailing you as I was at the beginning."

"How's it my fault you are getting sick of your own game!"

One night. I had screwed up one night. And he just so happened to be there. I regretted having that line of ice, more now than when Jimin first approached me.

He had a picture of me doing that line. And if you looked at the environment around me, you would think I was a regular user. But I wasn't. It was my first time. And I should have taken everyone's warning when it came to drugs.

I shouldn't have done it. My one night of letting go had cost me everything. My dad was running for Mayor, and if that photo of me got out he wouldn't have a chance in winning. Jimin knew.

Fuck, he was counting on me taking his offer, knowing I wouldn't want my Dad's career to suffer because of my mistake. My one night of letting go-of forgetting the pressures that surrounded my life.

One night, that was it.

And it cost me the guy I love.

At first I didn't think Jimin was serious when he approached me. But he meant it when he said he wanted me to end it with Tae.

I had delayed it three months.

But when Tae's birthday came around, Jimin said it was now or the picture was going to the press.

I never wanted to hurt Tae. I had promised him I would never hurt him. And instead of just hurting him, I betrayed his trust, broke his heart, and shattered our future together.

I knew that, one of these days, the pain in Tae's eyes when he looked at me would turn to hate, and as soon as it did, I would never get him back. I would never be able to get that hate out of his eyes or heart.

I knew it was coming. I shouldn't feel joy when I saw the pain in his eyes. But I was thankful to see it because it meant he still felt something towards me.

I didn't want him to suffer, but I didn't want him to let go of me completely. Jimin was right when he said I was clinging to the chance of getting Tae back. I was. I was clinging to every chance. I was hoping when the election ended that I could tell Tae the truth and hope to God that he takes me back.


I rolled over. Another sleepless night. I couldn't get comfortable. I couldn't stop the racing thoughts. I couldn't turn the volume down. Always going over the same thing... How did I not notice Sunghoon was in love with someone else?

How could he do that to me?

How could he go from loving me to breaking my heart?
I sighed, frustrated. It didn't matter how many hours I wasted thinking about him, trying to come up with a reason he did what he did.

It didn't matter because, at the end of the day, why he did what he did was beyond me.

I still couldn't explain why he wanted to hurt me so badly by picking Jimin.

I guess you don't pick who you fall in love with. I sure as hell didn't mean to fall in love with Sunghoon. I didn't pick him. My heart did.

And now... now I was suffering because of it.

I lit up my phone. Just after I lit up my phone. Just after two in the morning. It was now a Saturday and I had dinner with one of my Dad's friends tonight. It was meant to be a whole family dinner with him - Bogum always gave me the creeps-so I wasn't looking forward to a one on one dinner with him.

I picked up on the fact he would always make an effort to sit next to me. He would always touch me, just slightly, so not to come across like he was, and enough for me to explain it away as an accident.

But those "accidents" happened every time he saw me.


I lit up a cigarette while staring at the motor. Whose idea was it to replace the motor? Mine. Seemed like a good idea at the time taking this heap of shit and turning it into a fine muscle car. I had more time on my hands than anything else. Now I was questioning my sanity.

My phone buzzed in my pocket. I got it out automatically, not taking my eyes off the motor. I inhaled on the cigarette sharply and glanced at my phone. Then did a double take.

Tae's name was on my screen. How did he know I still had this number? More importantly, why would he be messaging me?

I hadn't seen him since I walked in on him in the bathroom. I smirked just remembering. He really had grown up. Fuck. It wasn't just his body that made me see he had grown up. He was way more confident now. I had only been with him for a few minutes and when he didn't bolt from the awkward situation I knew he had really matured.

I unlocked my phone and his message opened.


I frowned. What did he mean by that? Was that message for someone else? Something told me it was meant for me. Well, if he wanted help, he would have to tell me what with and where.

"Where r u?" I sent back and took the cigarette from my lips.

"Diamond Carat."

Why would he be at that restaurant? It was for the rich. I guess he was rich, well, his family was. Still, Tae never flashed money around. When it came down to it, Tae never rubbed in other people's face that his parents earned more than someone's yearly wage in a month.

I dropped the cigarette on the ground and put it out. I looked down at my jeans and white t- shirt, both covered in grease and oil stains. I would have to change if they were going to let me in.

Something was telling me to hurry the fuck up. I flicked off the shed lights and headed inside. Change of clothes and then I'd head for him. It wasn't like Tae to ask for help. In fact, I couldn't think of one occasion where he had asked for help.

Knowing that made me move quicker.



I must say this is the shortest chapter of all the 3. Phew

Lemme know about my mistakes.....and I hope we all are enjoying it soooo far.


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