Chapter 24(All Yours)

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I hadn't really been eating solid meals. Mihan wasn't exactly a cook. But we had binging out on music, games, and alcohol and, in Mihan's case, drugs as well. I got a certificate easily from our family doctor for the week. Plus he back dated it, which is like a huge no no when it comes to medical certificates.

I came back to Sunghoon's. I just wanted a change of clothes, then I was heading back to Mihan's. Though he said he had something on later tonight. I was planning on heading to Max's when he went to whichever girl's house it was. I assumed it was a girl who had her hooks in him.

His phone was always going off, though he was rude to whoever was calling.

Anyway, I was planning on getting clothes and heading out of here. But I ran into Mrs. Jeon, and suddenly I was roped into family dinner.

I looked down at the food. I wasn't sure it was a good thing that just the look of food was making me sick, let alone eating it.

"So Taehyung, where have you been?"

My eyes went off the home cook meal and onto Mr. Jeon. Great, here comes twenty questions.


I'm going to kill him. He is going to be fucking lucky if my hands don't end up around his throat tonight. I swear, if he doesn't show tonight, I'm tracking him fucking down and finding out the reason why he kept blowing us off. The only reason he was in this town was business with us and he seemed to be ignoring that.

Instead Mihan, the bloody Grave Robber, was always blowing us off. Every meeting he cancelled.

If he didn't show up to the party tonight, well more for the confrontation I was going to have with him before it, he would be lucky to have a beer after I was through with him.

I closed the front door. I needed a new top. Seeing as I was living at the club, I couldn't show up in this one. I was still on a man hunt for Tae. But every time I questioned Max about who he was seeing he would shut up or change the subject, not even giving me a hint on what was going on.

Any day I was expecting Tae to rock up at the club, considering he had moved in with Max basically. Fucking pissed off me to no end. What was worse was I couldn't even get him to answer the bloody phone!

I had never hated hearing a voice message as much as his. First, it reminded me how sweet his voice was, and that sexy luring swirl to his voice. Second, it reminded me how fucking much I missed him and I hated he was with Max.

Had he listened to one word I said about him doing better? I was so close to opening up to him, telling him everything, and he disappeared from the face of the earth. The only thing that reassured me he was ok was overhearing his parents tell my Dad he was with a friend.

"So Tae, where have you been?"

I froze at the bottom of the steps, hearing my father's voice from the other room. No fucking way Tae was here.

"With family friends." I heard him reply just as I walked into the room.

"Kook, darling, what are you doing here?" Mum was the first one to spot me. Typical.

Sunghoon threw me a glare; we weren't really on speaking terms at the moment. I ignored his request to scare off the biker that Tae was with. Little did he know I was doing everything possible to get him away from Max.

Dad turned in his chair, glancing back at me.

But it was Tae's reaction I wanted to see. His eyes went off Dad and onto me, a smile spreading across his face-like seeing me, had made his night.

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