Chapter 5 (Party?)

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I excelled in school. I never found studies hard. I could balance the pressure of a serious relationship, school work, and being there for my best friend easily. I never struggled. Not when it came to being Sunghoon's other half or keeping up a flawless grade average.

But today-no-this week, I was struggling. It would seem like Sunghoon and Jimin had decided to always be in my view. I had been cursed to have nearly every class with them, apart from art.

I think the hardest thing I was coming to terms with was also the hardest thing I had to face every day: watching Sunghoon do things with Jimin....the things he used to do with me. It was simple things, like getting his lunch, carrying his books, sharing inside jokes.

And the one thing that really hurt me was he had picked the same place to make out with him. It was in between lockers in the b wing, and I had the misfortune of seeing them. Actually, it felt like they were doing it on purpose just to hurt. Like they knew I had to take that way to math and would catch them.

Anyway, I didn't think it was possible for my heart to bleed anymore, but it did. Seeing Jimin have Sunghoon pinned against the side of the locker... When I first saw them, I had to do a double take. I couldn't actually believe that sunghoon would make out with jimin in our spot.

I thought he had more respect for what we had. But I was wrong. I was also wrong when I thought he would respect me. At least be somewhat nice considering our history. But he ignored me. He ignored me when Jimin was there in the morning to pick him up.

He ignored me when I said hello to him when we were waiting to get in a classroom.

He even ignored me when were put together in gym.

It didn't escape my notice that Jimin was watching his every move. Jimin had eyes on him like a hawk. In fact, I'm sure he spent more time in that module listening to our lack of conversation than he did focusing on the class.

I got out of my car. I had survived another week. I somehow had made it through without killing Jimin, or letting Sunghoon see how heartbroken I was. I think I did well.

Wasn't until I opened the front door that I wished I had stayed in my car a little bit longer.

"Oh hi, Tae." Jimin gave me a smile that he used to give me when we were friends.

"It's Taehyung." I couldn't stop myself from correcting him. But I guess, when I thought about it, I had to admit I didn't have friends anymore.

"We are heading to the party,celebrating the guys win tonight. Want to come?" Jimin actually said that like I would join them. What did he want to do-rub his relationship with Sunghoon in my face more?

I wanted to bitch slap him for even saying it; instead I stepped out of their way to the front door. I wanted them to leave. I wanted it badly. I couldn't stand one more second watching them together.

It made me sick seeing sunghoon hold his hand, kiss his cheek, and look at him like he was his number one. He used to look at me like that.

I kept a pleasant look on my face but wished they would just walk out the front door.
"Come on, hun, I'll drive." Jimin pried himself from Sunghoon's side and walked out the door.

I expected Sunghoon to follow him right away, but he waited until s
he was down the porch steps and unlocking his car. Then he stepped in front of me. "Are you ok?" He had a concerned look on his face.

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