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Chapter TEN


I closed the front door. It was late. Once again Max had kept me out all night. If I could, I would be smiling. Max was carefree, funny, and I knew he was dangerous, but that didn't scare me away.

I walked up the stairs slowly, stopping and taking my heels off halfway. My feet were aching. Max decided for us to walk through the busy square. looked at the long red stem rose in my hand.

I thought Max would be a one night deal. But he was determined the morning after to get my number, and when we weren't together he was always messaging me. I never had to start the messaging with him, it was like he knew when the perfect time was to send a message.

It was dark and I was heading for my room when I noticed Kook's door open. His door was never open. I frowned and for some reason found myself heading for his room. I knew I shouldn't bother him. I knew he wouldn't like me in his room. But for some reason, I felt like something was calling me to go in there.

I knocked on the door softly. "Kook, you ok?"

It was dark, but I could make out a body on the bed. I heard a groan, and I walked to his bed, stepping over the clothes on the floor. His room was a mess. I dodged the crushed cans and empty bottles.

"Kook, are you ok?"

He groaned. Ok, I was taking that as a no.

"Kook?" I asked softly and moved next to his side of the bed. The curtains were open and the moonlight helped me to make out his figure, which was on the edge of the bed, a hand over his face. I lowered my voice in case he was hungover, "What's wrong?"

His head turned and he took his hand off his face.

"Migraine." He sounded like he was in a lot of pain.

He used to get migraines when he was under stress. I noticed the bottles of pain relief next to his bedside. I knew Kook. He wouldn't have had anything for it. Getting the bottles out was all he would have done. And that was a lot for Kook. He hated the medication cause it would linger in his system the next day.

I popped open the bottle and got him a dose out, grabbing an open beer bottle.

"Ok, I'm sorry about the warm beer, but you have to take this regardless." I took his hand and put the pills in them. He slowly sat up and I saw how gingerly he did it.

He took the beer and through back the pills. I took it off him and headed for the bathroom.

I ran a face cloth under the cold water and headed back to his bedroom, dodging all the crap on the floor.

"You're back?" He must have spotted me.

"Yeah, you are lucky I haven't broken my neck in this room." got to his side and gently lifted his hand off and placed the towel down.

He sighed. I walked around to the other side of the bed. I had already abandoned my heels and I doubted I'd be able to find them later in this mess.
I laid down on his bed next to him.

"You don't have to stay, Tae." He turned and his voice was soft, as if he spoke any louder he'd be in pain.

I took his hand and started to massage it. The hand has trigger points to all over your body, My mum used to always massage my thumb whenever I had a headache; she believed it did something, and she was doctor. But if nothing else, it was relaxing.

"Tae, you can go."

I just kept massaging his hand. "Stop telling me to leave and go to sleep." The sooner he went to sleep the sooner he could recover. He knew that too.

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