Chapter 12(" I've never hurt you")

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Ok, I was beginning to think my life couldn't get any worse; that I had suffered through enough awkwardness for a lifetime. If there was a God, one would think that he'd had enough entertainment from my train wreck of life. But that didn't seem to be the case tonight.

Ji-Eun, Sunghoon's Mum, who I had to admit I had been giving the cold shoulder since I arrived, asked me to stay in Saturday night. I had plans with Max, but I couldn't say no to her.

Her and Mr.Jeon were putting me up, and it would also seem that Mr. Jeon wanted me to stay in tonight as well. Kook, however, had disappeared sometime that day, and when I saw his empty spot at the table I assumed he wasn't being forced to spend Saturday night here.

Jeon Junghoon was many things: a man passionate about this city, a true blue supporter of the Bull Dogs. a family man and I would say a great dad-to Sunghoon. It was no secret he had no time for Kook. He had written Kook off years ago. I think even before I came along. But when it came to anything in sunghoon's life, he was the golden boy.

I stabbed a carrot as jimin continued to make small talk with Mrs.Jeon.

Yep, Sunghoon had been given the order to stay in as well. But he dragged his boyfriend into the family night I was being forced to attend.

I glanced up and I wished I hadn't because my eyes locked with sunghoon's, who was staring directly at me.

I wanted to snap at him, but instead I shoved a carrot in my mouth and attempted to keep a lid over my temper and embarrassment.

Just as I went to shove another carrot in my mouth, Mrs.Jeon turned to look at me.

"So, Taehyung, how is school going? I bet the universities are hovering," she said so sweetly, like she still cared about my future, even though my future would not include her son. She should really redirect that question to Jimin, her future son-in-law.

As the table went quiet and all eyes were on me, I realized I was going to be forced to answer. I opened my mouth to answer, but an annoying and relentless voice spoke before me.

"I don't know about Tae, but the universities' attention is really intense. I was telling sunghoon earlier in the week if I get one more promotional letter I'll never make a decision." Jimin finished with a fake sigh at the end.

Mrs.Jeon turned to look at me. "Are you having the same problem, Taehyung?"

"No, I don't get letters." I looked at Jimin. "I get phone calls." Jimin's eyes narrowed, but I continued, "jimin is right though, it is intense. And then there are the face-to-face appointments-shoving scholarships down your throat."

"Have you picked a favorite yet, Taehyung?" Mr. Jeon entered the conversation. For some reason they actually still cared where my future was headed.

"I'm thinking overseas. I got a few good offers from aboard."

"You aren't going overseas," Sunghoon scoffed and shook his head. He spoke as if what I had just said offended him. If anything he should be glad to not be in the same country as me.

"Mum and Dad are encouraging it." I frowned, my eyes on sunghoon as he glared at me.
"You wanted to stay in Seoul. What happened to that plan? What happened to you going to New York University? We both went to their welcoming and put them as our first choice. Hell, we even looked for an apartment there. You had your heart set on New York university!" Sunghoon's words sprayed over the table at me. He was basically a second away from getting up and screaming it at me.

I had never seen him this angry. I just stared at him, with my mouth slightly open, speechless.

"Um, well that was our plan..." I trailed off, not really sure what to say.

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