Chapter 25( Murderous Whore)

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I don't know why, but as soon as I ended it with Sunghoon, my taste in men changed. I went from wanting the good guy to wanting the bad boy; the smoker, the drinker, the guy who would throw a right hook without thinking or caring.

Yep, my taste in men had changed.

Kook and I had a totally of ten minutes together, then he got a phone call. He said to stay and wait for him. But once it ticked past two in the morning, I decided he wasn't coming back, so I went to my room and spent the night tossing and turning all night.

Which is why now, as I entered the gym hall, my last class, I really couldn't be bothered. I headed for the group of girls, literally dragging my feet.

Then the group parted just slightly and my eyes locked with Jimin's. Jimin's eyes were coated in anger as soon as he looked at me. I knew that look; it was the look he gave his prey before he went for the kill.

"Hi, Tae." He pushed past his so-called friends. "How was your night?"

I frowned. He didn't stay at the house last night, so he couldn't possibly know I spent most of the night in Kook's room. So I didn't say anything in case he was fishing.

"Well, I hear you were with Kook?"

I rolled my eyes. Here I was thinking he hadn't spent the night with sunghoon. I put my hands on my hips. "Why is where I sleep any of your business?"

"I was just wondering." He took a step closer to me, but I heard how his voice raise. "Are you going to get knocked up with his child as well? I wonder how sunghoon would take the news, knowing you were going to have his child but are now having his brothers?"

Had he really just said that? The crowd around us were gasping and then whispered. I looked at Jimin. I didn't know what to do. I was just staring wide eyed at him. He couldn't have done that...

But the whispering got louder, and then the stares-who was I kidding, they were glares-became more intense. Jimjn had just made it so I could never show my face again.

It was when the word slut started to get thrown at me. I turned, starting to walk away, hearing them call me a child killer to my back.

The tears started to fall before I even made it out the gym door.

I didn't know where to go. In fact, I hadn't even planned on going to him until I pulled in his drive way. I guess when it came down to it, he was the only one that wouldn't judge me. I couldn't believe that Jimin had shared that with everyone.

I was a mess. I was crying so much I could barely see while driving. It was luck that I got here without writing-off my car. I was physically shaking, tears running down, and I burst through his front door.

" Mihan?"

I slammed the door after me. "Mihan!"

I was storming through the house. I had never been this upset. Not even when sunghoon broke my heart.

"Hyung, I fucked up. I-"

As I walked into his lounge and my words stopped. My eyes went from Kook to Max and then to Mihan.

"Shit, Tae, are you ok?" Mihan was up and heading for me.

"Why... why are you all here?" I staggered out. How did three men in my life come together? How the hell did they all know each other?

"Tae, what the hell is going on? Why the fuck are you so upset?" Max was up now and his eyes went to Mihan. "Wait, did you say you were here for Mihan?"

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