Chapter 8(Dark)

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Chapter EIGHT


I didn't know where I was heading. I just had to get away. I just had to put as much distance between me and sunghoon as possible I headed for the other side of town.

I knew my normal spots and bars were no-go zones because sunghoon's friends might be there. So I had driven to the darker side of town. Maybe I was asking for trouble. I walked into the dimly lit bar and headed to get a drink. It was a shady bar with mainly men inside. But that didn't deter me. I needed a strong drink. Maybe a few.

I most likely would get behind the wheel after this. The old Tae wouldn't have dared. Now, well, I just didn't see any reason stopping me.

I ordered a drink and ran a hair through my hair. How had
I let myself fall for Sunghoon's charm? I wanted to turn back time. Refuse to let him in.

I threw back the shot glass and got a refill, throwing that back as well. I wasn't much of a drinker. I never was. So I knew I would start feeling the effects quickly. Maybe it was best if I didn't drive. I didn't want to kill someone just because I couldn't see the point in life. I put my glass down for another.

"The way you're going you're going to drink the bar dry."

I turned slightly. I hadn't even realized I sat down next to someone. Or had he sat next to me? I had been so focused on drinking, I didn't know the answer.
I took in his rough looks. He was deadly handsome, tattoos over his fingers, hands, arms, and neck, and a voice that would lure you in. It wasn't just his looks, it was how he was looking at me.

He blew out a mouthful of smoke and turned his body towards me on the stool. "You don't look old enough to be drinking."

I didn't have a threatening or a bad boy image. I never had. I didn't have a confident front like Jimin that made you think he was the boy your parents warned you about.

I didn't know why-fuck, I couldn't explain it, but for once in my life I felt confident. Like I wasn't squirming under his tense eyes.

"You don't look like a guy that follows the rules to begin with," I said, not scared of him.

His lips twitched up. "You read me well."

Yeah. Two words summed him up: bad boy.

"So if you read me so well, why aren't you running?" Не looked at me impressed. "I'm here every night, so I know you don't normally come here."

He must be regular. Well, if he knew I wasn't normally around here, he would assume this was out of my character-which it was. Still, I didn't find myself scared or lacking confidence. For some reason I felt like I could put a front on, like I could show him a side of me I never showed anyone.

A daring side. Because that was what I was doing, wasn't it? Taking a dare. Risking everything by being here. My safety. My reputation-not that there was much of that one left. But my limited reputation would go down if I was seen in

a place like this with a girl on a

pole in the corner, dancing

freely to men who weren't even

paying her. She must be an

employee here because she

seemed too good at it for it to

be her first time or for it to be a

drunken dare.

Most of the men had eyes on her moving to the seductive beat.

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