Chapter 18(Start Eating)

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Had I been blind for years? Jimin was obnoxious. His hair. His makeup. His perfume. His personality. Everything about him was obnoxious. Why was I only seeing it now?

Now, as he gushed over every single detail of his weekend away with sunghoon. I would throw up, but I haven't eaten anything today apart from bits of this potato, which I was busy destroying but not really eating.

Sunghoon and Jimin had spent the weekend at sunghoon's sex house. Well, it wasn't his sex house. It was his parent's house on the coast. But sunghoon was the only one using it. We used to escape down to it, stay for the weekend. Walks on the beach, lounging around in the hammock, and then sex in the ocean, in the master suite, in the bathroom, hell, everywhere in the house. Yeah, it was fair to say it was his sex house.

So I knew right now as jimin told Mrs. Jeon how much he loved their unique dining table he must have experienced it up close and personal.

Sex on the dining table classic sunghoon. My eyes bounced off my plate and, what do you know, sunghoon was looking directly at me. When it came to these family dinners, he always took the chance just to stare at me.

"Sunghoon and I had so much fun on the beach. And sunghoon is such a good surfer." Jimin put his hand over sunghoon's on the table.

God, they were making me sick. Were sunghoon and I ever that in love? It was sickly. Their relationship was just as obnoxious. I guess it should be expected. Even Jimin would take a normal relationship and twist it and turn it

I was suddenly disappointed a shark hadn't taken sunghoon off his board.

"But I guess our weekend was boring compare to Taehyung's." Jimin turned all attention on to me, a tint of vengeance and pleasure in his eyes.

What the fuck.

My weekend had been uneventful. I auditioned for a job, that now couldn't take because I think Kook was serious about no one else seeing my body. But not just that, Kook said I was too good for it. He made a lot of good points, proving that he really was a good friend and had my back when I was about to make a mistake.

Usually I liked to make a mistake on my own-you know, trip over, face plant. I never listened when someone told me I was about to make a mistake. Not when my parents told me. Not even when sunghoon would warn me. I viewed a friendship as meaning that you are there in the good times and bad. And sometimes you couldn't prevent me going through a bad time, even if you knew better and advised me off it.

But this time, just this once, I was going to take Kook's advice and not take the job.

I narrowed my eyes at Jimin. He would have to know I spent the weekend by myself.

He sipped his water and then put the glass down, an evil glint in his eyes, "You know the rumor around school is you are into the drug and party scene now, right? So I'm guessing you spent the weekend doing what you now do best?" He added a concerned pout to the end of his sentence.

Again I was thinking what the fuck. He was the one into the party scene! He was the one experimenting with drugs!

I glanced at sunghoon, but I couldn't read his expression. Meanwhile, Jimin was enjoying me being examined like I was a dead bug on a glass plate under a microscope.

Mr. And Mrs. Jeon's eyes widened in surprise and I knew what was coming next. A lecture.

"Actually, he spent the weekend with me."

Every head in the room snapped to the doorway. My mouth fell slightly open.

"Kook, what are you doing here?" Mrs.Jeon got up in a hurry, sounding so happy. "Sweetheart, I thought you were busy today, otherwise I would have invited you for dinner." She moved so quickly around the table to hug her son.

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