Chapter 7 (Trust you?)

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Chapter Seven


It was late after midnight and I was still up on a Friday night, studying. I used to find studying so easy and now it was like forcing a cat to have a bath-bloody impossible—and my body was fighting me one hundred percent.

I groaned when all the numbers ganged up on me and I couldn't solve a single problem.

Then, as if God knew I needed a reason to have a break, there was a knock on my door.

I frowned, wondering who would be up at this time, and more importantly why would they be wanting to see me.

I got up and opened the door. For some reason I was expecting to see Kook. Well, I was hoping it was Kook So my friendly smile fell when  my eyes landed on sunghoon.

"What do you want?" My words weren't friendly. My words weren't welcoming. I was direct and rude and I didn't feel sorry for either.

"I need to talk to you." Sunghoon looked at me awkwardly. "I was hoping you would still be up."

"Why are you even here?" I couldn't stop myself from asking. It was a Friday night, which usually meant a party- which meant by now sunghoon should be on his way to a hangover.

"Um, I wanted to see you." Не looked me in the eye and I saw the honesty in them.I crossed my arms and leaned against the doorframe. "What about?" I couldn't think of one reason why. The way he treated me in front of Jimin said it all. He didn't have time for me. He sure as fuck didn't care about me. And when it came down it, we weren't boyfriends anymore—and we weren't friends. Hell, we weren't even associates.

"I wanted to ask something of you." He took a step towards me and immediately I took one back. My brain was screaming run. My body's defences were up. No one had hurt me as much as he had hurt me, and right now that fact had not been forgotten.

I couldn't believe what I was seeing when he pushed my bedroom door wide open and took another step into my room. Like he was more determined than ever to make sure he could get close to me.

I put my hand out. "Don't come any closer." My voice shook with nerves. I swallowed sharply. It was bad enough seeing him, but having him close... Well, it sent my body into immediate pain, knowing I couldn't touch. Knowing what we had was dead.

"Tae, I need you to trust me." His words came out softly and his voice dipped into honesty. It was seductive and swirled in my ears, pulling me in, wanting me to believe him. "I need you to trust me." He took a step closer and now there was no room between us.

He did something I wasn't expecting. His hand cupped my face and I saw the pain in his eyes, like he wanted more but couldn't have it.

He dipped his head. "Please, will you trust me?"

I frowned. What did he mean trust him? Why the hell would trust him when it came to anything! Why would he be asking this of me!

"I don't understand," I mumbled.

His eyes locked with mine. "I need you to trust me; to not wipe me off. Can you do that?" What he was asking suddenly registered and immediately I wanted to kill him.

"You want me to trust you! Like fuck, sunghoon!" I managed to get out before I was interrupted.

"Sunghoon, what the hell are you doing?" Jimin was standing in the hallway, looking directly at sunghoon's back.

Sunghoon pinched his eyes shut and I heard him curse. He took his hand off me and I missed his touch immediately. I hated myself for wanting it, for missing it and needing it. Yep, I hated myself a bit more for that. But most of all I was starting to hate sunghoon for making me want his touch.

"I thought you were going to the party." Sunghoon turned around, sounding pissing off.

"Well, isn't it a good thing I came to check if you had changed your mind?" Jimin crossed his arms and looked at me. "So the one night we're apart you make a move. Always knew you were a slut when it came to him, Taehyung, but even I wasn't expecting you to act on it."

His words whipped across my body. It wasn't just what he said that hurt; it was that he said it to begin with. For some stupid reason I thought he would still like me, or think higher of me than that.

"Well, he is all yours, Jimin." I wasn't going to fight over sunghoon. He was his. Simple. And I was starting to see very clearly how much of a liar he was.

"Stay away from him, Taehyung. He is mine." he moved across the hall towards my door. "Don't touch him. Don't talk to him. And for fuck sake, stop looking at him with those pitiful eyes."

His words were sharp, mean, and sliced open my heart a bit wider.

Instead of shutting down, instead of backing down and just taking it like I had since they became a couple, I found an ounce of courage still in my blood. I moved around sunghoon so I could get a good look at the cheap slut he was. "You know what, Jimin, how about you stop monitoring me. Clearly you're insecure if you think I can get sunghoon back. I don't give a fuck if you are with him or not because, at the end of the day, he still looks at me like he loves me." I stepped out into the hall. "And I think that's what really makes you angry. Because you are just one of the many he will fuck his way through, while I was one of the rare ones he stayed around for."

I saw the disbelief and terror on his face as I pushed past him, heading for the stairs. And in that moment, I wasn't the broken-hearted ex-boyfriend anymore. I was finally piecing myself back together, and I realized it the moment I stood up to him. My break up with sunghoon had given me something that it took months to find: courage. I was a warrior now, and I would never let him, or any man, destroy my heart again.

Once I had my heart back together, I was locking it up and away. And I would never- ever-give someone the power to hurt me again.


Aye-Aye readers!
Here's another update for you my pretties!!!!!I know this one is short but it's what it's. Anddddd Like I always say please read,share,vote and comment.

Thank you!

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