Chapter 15(My Tae)

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I lit another cigarette. I was down to my last few because I had been chain smoking since we got to the strip club. Didn't matter which girl was in front of me. Didn't matter if she was stripping or dancing naked.

My head was somewhere else. Somewhere it shouldn't be. I ran a hand through my hair, the frustration getting the best of me. I was frustrated with myself. I never had this... feeling? I didn't even know what to fucking call it.

Why couldn't I get lost in the naked girls like everyone else? All the boys seemed to be enjoying it, throwing money and getting lap dances. And what was I doing? Fucking feeling like this. Most of the guys paid the strippers to lie to them, most of the guys were willing to pay them for an easy lay.

When we weren't at the club, we were here. And I had never felt more disconnected. I glanced down my phone. His number was up and it was taking all my will power not to message him.

The normal questions ran through my mind:

Was he ok?

What was he doing?

Is he asleep? He should be. But it was a Saturday night. He could be out.

Who was he out with?

Did I have a right to ask for that?

Questions liked these continued to flood my mind. Tae was literally stuck in my head. And I didn't even realized since how I start liking a guy? It's not like me, I never had these thoughts or feelings for anyone but noww. Ever since Monday I hadn't been able to think of anything else but him. Wasn't like him and I had a special moment. Wasn't like we fell in love or anything. When I really thought about it, hell, he literally got stuck in my head as soon as I saw him again in that bathroom after all those years But since Monday he had withdrawn completely. He wasn't home. He never was. And by Max's attitude, I knew he wasn't spending time with him. He was in the worst mood. I looked up to see him glaring down at his phone.

I don't know what happened between Tae and him, but whatever had happened caused him to be more of a dick. He was here even though he wasn't meant to be seen with us. It was like he didn't give a fuck anymore whether he got locked up or not.

All week I had been busy with the club. All week my mind was meant to be focused on our business. Instead every spare second I had my mind was drifting to Tae. And that look in his eyes as he stood half naked in front of me.

That look... it had me. Couldn't explain why he would be looking at me like that. Couldn't understand what that look meant. It was as if he felt safe. I had never seen a girl look at me like that,but he did.

And it was doing my head.

Cold stares, jealous glares, and a pleading look of need or lust-I knew those looks and dealt with them regularly around the club from girls.

But the look Tae gave me was... I couldn't fucking explain it. It was driving me insane.

I butted the cigarette out and immediately lit another.

My phone was still in my hand, and I was thinking of one reason, one good reason, to message him after one in the morning. I didn't want to wake him up. But something was telling me he wasn't asleep.

I looked up at Max who had just threw his phone on the table and grabbed another beer. He was drinking heavily tonight. He was throwing down a lot of cash as well but wasn't one bit interested in the girls.

This was the only time ever that Max and I had something in common. We both had our minds on something else. I didn't know who was controlling his thoughts. But mine
were on a tiny blonde with the most dazzling hazel eyes and red lips with boxy smile. His skin was so soft. The type of soft one never believes is real. And while he was small, I had never seen a more perfect body. And his laugh that just made you smile... Even thinking about it had my lips twitching up. When it came to Tae, he brought out another side to me. A side I didn't know. And the feelings I felt for him were a fucking mystery to me.

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