Chapter 27(The End)

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"Leave now before I fuck you up." I gripped Mihan by the shoulder, forcing him to look at me. "Mother fucker I don't give a fuck, I'll take you down now. Leave." If he had any idea how frustrated and furious I was he would take my warning and leave. He and Tae might have had a fling, but it was over. Cause he is mine.

And I am done with letting him be with other men.

Mihan whacked my arm away. "Fuck off, Vice. I'm not here on club business."

"Yeah, I know. You somehow found out Tae was here and I'm telling you to piss off."

I had already told Max he was a dead man if he showed up here.

Mihan opened his mouth, but the doctor rounded the corner at the same time. "Mihan, are you ready to see him?"

My eyes widened. How the hell did he manage to get in to see him?

"He isn't his fiance and he sure as fuck isn't married to him." I informed the doctor rather abruptly. I wasn't letting Mihan near him. Tae relationship with him was over.

I was so stupid to let it go on as long as it did. I knew I had feelings for him. Yet I let him do what he wanted. I should have told him how I felt. Then at least there would have been a small chance that the baby was mine.

"He isn't the father either. I am." I added quickly, just in case he knew he could be pregnant.(A/n omg kook you being sooooooo cute here T_T)

The doctor frowned, his eyes going to Mihan. "You are family correct? Kim Mihan ?"

"Family!" I scoffed. Ha, that was a good line to use. "He isn't related to him."
The doctor looked down at her notes. "You're listed as his brother?" Her eyes went from Mihan to me.

Wait, he was listed? Now I was confused.

"Yeah, because I am his brother." Mihan threw me a dirty look. "Our parents can't fly out. They informed you of this?"

"Yes." The doctor nodded her head. "Come through, Mihan, you can see him and we can explain his condition."

Mihan nodded his head and the doctor turned, walking up the ward. His eyes went to me. "If he is pregnant and it is yours, I'll fucking kill you." And with that threat said, he walked off, following the doctor.

I didn't know what to say. How the hell didn't I know about this And? why was I finding it hard to believe that it was true? Not once had anyone in Tae's family mention Kim Mihan. Not once.

Which was making me think that maybe he was lying. That somehow he had got his hands on his information and put himself down.

I walked back into the waiting room. If there was one person who might know the answer, it was my dipshit of a brother.

"Sunghoon, does Tae have a brother?"

Sunghoon looked up at me from the chair he was sitting in, looking guilty and sick to his stomach.

"Yeah, he does." Sunghoon sighed. "But he disappeared as soon as he turned eighteen. He was his adopted brother. Doesn't like to talk about him." Sunghoon ran his hand through his hair. "We should call his uncle Carl might be a drunk, but when it comes to Tae he cares and sobers up for him. And I have a feeling that's the only way we are going to get any information."

So it was true. Mihan was Tae's brother. It sent a wave of relief followed by nausea. It meant he wasn't sleeping with him, but he could be dragging Tae into his dirty drug business.

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