Chapter 9( Different Treat)

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Chapter Nine


Sometimes I hated being a vice president. Like right now when I couldn't get Max to concreate on what I was telling him The man had been glued to his phone all week. I didn't know who she was, if it's even she or he? but she had him more interested in writing back to her than listening to a word I had to say.

Max had only got out of prison a few months before me. But on his parole condition he couldn't be seen or near a criminal organisation. He was running our associates, taking a silent role in the club. He couldn't wear club colours, couldn't even ride his Harley without being pulled over.
So he was doing things he loved- drinking, handling dodgy deals, and partying. And it would seem he had a girl at the moment cause he was more interested in whatever she was saying than his monthly update with me.

"Max, are you fucking listening to me!" I snapped at him.

His eyes slowly came off his phone and he looked at me with his normal pissed off glare. He didn't like being told what to do, and he hated answering to me cause he had been a member longer. We were the same age though, so at least he wasn't older. That would give him another weak excuse to disrespect me.

"You want me to collect rent from the other side of town." He rolled his eyes. "Anything else, Vice?"

"Yeah, who is she?" I snapped asked, sick of his higher-than- me attitude. When it came down to it, I was the Vice President; he sure as fuck wasn't, so he had to answer to me.

"No one." He put his phone away, and here I was thinking it was glued to his hand.

"Thought you didn't do girlfriends?" I crossed my arms, watching him squirm under my question.

"Mind your own business, Vice."

"If you are bringing her into your life, you are bringing her into the club's life."

"It's He and not She....cuz I don't do Girlfriends" Max replied Cocikly.

Jungkook scoffed but continued...

"Considering I'm currently doing the dirty work for the club and won't be bringing him back to the club, I don't see how it is any of your business." He went to get up. "Tell Wooshik I'll do it. And when it comes to the partners I fuck, mind your own fucking business."

With that said he stormed off, like his normal pissed off self. I threw money down for our coffees and got up to leave. The reason I had to deal with Max to begin with wasn't because in the police's eye line as a member. Sure, I was linked to them. But nobody knew I was the Vice President. Well, not yet, but it wasn't going to stay a secret for much longer.
Now I had a family dinner to go to. I was being forced to attend because Mom had been complaining to Dad that she never sees me, which resulted in Dad doing something he hated doing, and that was calling me. He hated to ask anything of me. But he did it for Mom, and the only reason I agreed to it was because it would get her off my back for another few weeks.

I hadn't been home much. The club has kept me busy. I had been coming home late and left early. It was for the best. That way I avoided Dad and Mom and my dickhead of a brother, Sunghoon.
Skip Time

I shot a glare at my brother who again tried to make conversation with Tae. My eyes went off Sunghoon and onto Tae. He had been giving him one word answers all night.

Seriously, could sunghoon not get the hint he wasn't interested?

My eyes hovered on Tae,he had always been the centre of conversation and he loved to talk. I swear he used to never shut up. When he wasn't talking, he was laughing. And now... Now he couldn't give my brother more than a one word answer. Even when Mom and Dad asked him how he was, he just said "fine." Didn't even do the polite thing, like the old Tae would have, and ask how they were.

I had the feeling he was sinking into depression. He looked withdrawn. Actually, when I thought about it more, Tae wasn't his old self. It was like Sunghoon had broken him. I shot a glare at my brother. Only he could take a fucking perfect human being and ruin them.

Which was exactly what he had done.

I found myself wanting him to treat me differently. So I wondered if I spoke to him right now, would he block me out too.

I cleared my throat and sat up, my eyes on him. "So, Tae, how's school?"

His head snapped up, his eyes were wide as he looked at me, as if he'd misheard me.

"Um. It's good, Kook." He kept looking at me. "How are you?"

I smiled. He asked a question. I had got him to ask a question and it was directed at me.

"Good, Tae. Haven't seen you about lately."

His phone buzzed on the table next to his plate. I did a double take when I saw that number and name on his screen. Max. And I knew that number. I knew it so well cause I would glare at it for a few minutes every time I was forced to call him.

How the hell had he met him? Suddenly, his lack of conversation wasn't such a serious issue.The more serious issue was who he was spending his time with. Max was bad fucking news. Surely he wasn't that stupid or blind he ignored that?

I was faced with a decision: let Tae into my world, tell him the truth about me, and tell him what Max was like-and then protect him from Max, or let him go into situation blind with a man who was deadly dangerous and never respected anyone.

I reached for my beer and kept my eyes on him as my mind jumbled around the facts. Admitting to him that I was the Vice President of the Devil's Cut, a dangerous outlaw motorcycle group-well, I think whatever he thought of me would disappear immediately.

Seeing him disappointed in the way I lived my life bothered me. It got under my skin. Why did I care so much what he thought? I never cared what people thought. I didn't even care what Dad's opinion was of me. And he was my father.

I wondered why I was suddenly nervous about telling him who I really was and what stood for. It sent wave after wave of nerves through me. Still, what could I do? Keep my secret just like that, or risk it and let the only boy whose opinion I cared about know the type of guy I really was...



An updateeeee becaaaaaaaause I'm soooooo happy that this FF get 1k+ readsssss all thanks to my readers. Special thanks to those who are votingggggg. And A BIIIIIG THANKS TO THE PEOPLE WHO ARE COMMENTING TOOOOO. And a Thank you to those tooo who added this FF on their reading list.

Andddd personally I think that Sunghoon is quite a looooong name to write how about I make it short as "Hoon or Hoonie?" And yeah I changed the name of KIM SHIN into MAX as writing SHIN alone isn't much intimated cuz yk he has such a bad boy quality so that's why I'm changing it.

I hope no one mind it.

Anywaysssss keep reading,voting and commenting guysssssss...



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