Chapter 21( comfort)

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I wiped the tears away but they just kept falling. It was a song. A stupid fucking song! That was all it took for me to come this blubbering mess.

I can't believe a song could get this reaction out of me. It wasn't just any song. It had a memory attached to it. A memory with Sunghoon. I thought after all this time I had fixed myself you know got myself together to the point I was over him. But just hearing that song reminded me I was so far from being back together.

I was like a broken mirror. I was trying to put myself together but you could see the cracks, and while I was trying to put that broken mirror back together, I was cutting myself on the broken pieces.

My tears were slowing just when the bell rang and I knew I had to get out of the car.

I was trying to ignore the heartache. But I couldn't get that memory of sunghoon and me singing and play fighting in his bed to that song. The way he touched me. The way he kissed me. The way my heart pulsed when he took my top off...

I clenched my eyes shut. I guess today was going to be one of my weaker days.

I cracked open my car door and got out. I just had to get through the day. I knew I wouldn't get the pleasure of not seeing Sunghoon. Jimin and him were in all my classes. Thank god I didn't have art with him today. Cause I honestly don't think I'd be able to ignore him being nice to me.

It was like I needed him to be kind to me right now, like I was craving his attention.

Today was one of those days. I didn't want to face that I had lost him and that what we had was over.

I walked like a ghost through the halls to get my books. I didn't care that people were shouldering their way past me, heading for their classes, as the second bell had rung. I literally didn't care, not even when I had my books and a boy ran past me, knocking them out of my hands.

I dropped to my knees, gathering them up. My weekend was intense and I felt like a shell today. A shell of the person I was.

Mihan was back in my life. I didn't know for how long for, but he was back in my life. My brother. And there was only one person I wanted to tell. And that was also the one person who said they would never, and could never, love me again. Yet it was still Sunghoon who I wanted to tell.

A tear dropped from my eye and fell on my textbook.

God, not more tears. I quickly wiped under my eyes and then I glanced up, hoping no one saw it, that no one saw Taehyung, the pitiful thing, crying in the hallway. And I realized the hallway was empty.

Just like my life.

I got up and I knew I couldn't blow off class. But it was like I was invisible, not just to other students but also to the teachers.

So I wasn't surprised when the teacher didn't even acknowledge me as I walked ten or so minutes late.

I walked to my normal seat, like a zombie, and then when I came to a stop at my chair there was someone fucking in it. I quickly snapped out of my zombie mode and scanned the classroom.

This had to be some sick and twisted fucking joke.

There was only one seat empty.

Only one bloody seat!

I glanced at sunghoon, and it would seem he was aware of the situation. I wanted to groan. In fact I wanted to turn and walk out of the class.

The teacher wouldn't notice. The students didn't care, and as I looked at Sunghoon I think he would be relieved if I didn't take the seat next to him.

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