Chapter 19 ( Parent's Call)

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I knew Kook was strong. He looked like a walking UFC beast. So I wasn't surprised that he was carrying me like I weighed nothing. I squirmed. I wiggled. I yelled at him. And he ignored all of it.

He even walked us past his parents who were in the foyer and they didn't seem to care that Kook had me over his shoulder like I was doll he just pick up and carry around!

To say I was furious with him when he shut his bedroom was an understatement. And mind you, he was assuming I wanted to be near him and didn't mind being carried to his bedroom!

My feet hit the floor, and as soon as I got my balance I pushed him hard on each shoulder.

"How dare you just carry me around like that! Who the hell do you think you are just to carry me away from my nights plans?" I wanted to punch him, but I knew I would be the one that ended up sore. I would have a sore fist and he would end up laughing.

"Calm down, sweetheart." He didn't seem fussed that I was furious.

I took a step towards him and pointed a finger into his chest. "I'm leaving and you can't stop me." I was serious. I was leaving. I wasn't staying here just because he had dragged me here. He might have carried me in here, but I had legs and could walk out, which was exactly what I was going to do.

I made one move to go around him and he blocked me.

"Sweetheart, I'm not letting you go to him." He said it like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

What was with men thinking they could tell me what to do? Sunghoon always told me what to do. It was because of him I learned to rely on him in my life, like he was the gravity to my world. Max thought it was acceptable to declare to the world I was his and had me wearing a top that told everyone I was hooked up with a biker, and it was serious.

And then there was Kook, who thought he could stop me from going out. First he took my phone and then, when I went to leave, he literally picked me up and carried me back in the house.

My eyes narrowed at him. "Jeon Jungkook, if you know what is good for you, you will get out of my way." My words gritted as they came out, the anger I was feeling was overwhelming. I was sick of people telling me what to do, how to feel. I was learning everything from new.

I was hoping my threat would cause Kook to step out of my way and let me go. So I was surprised when he took a step towards me, his hands spreading out on my cheeks, cupping my face.

What was he doing? Had he gone mad? Why was he looking at me like that? He had that weird look in his eyes again that was there after I listed all the reasons his life was going to be better than Sunghoon's. Again I was thinking, if I was any other person and he was giving the current look he was giving me to them, they would think Kook was in love with them. Hell, you would think all of a sudden Kook's life depended on you.

I opened my mouth to question him on it, but he moved quicker, his lips covering mine. At first I wasn't sure what to do. Push him away, pull him in? I was shocked for longer than a second. I had been kissed before, but I had never felt this electric spark through every one of my blood vessels before.

Suddenly I snapped out of the shock and I wanted my blood vessels to explode by this electric spark he was giving my body.

My lips moved against his, and I felt the corner of his lips twitch up for a second, like he was pleased I wasn't pushing him away but demanding more.

I would have to say, when it came to being intimate it wasn't natural. I was always nervous at first. Then my brain would drown out the nerves. But this time I wasn't nervous at all.
It hadn't been my brain that drowned out the nerves.

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