Chapter 26

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Author's Note

SOrry for the late update but I finally got to 32,000 reads!! :) I need 33,500 reads and 40 votes to update ;) Shouldn't be very hard for you lot! You guys have been amazing and I can't thank you enough :)

So here is the next chapter!

~Megs x


Chapter 26 ~ Bella

We were officially on holidays. Three weeks. And now we were sitting on the plane, and to say I was excited would be an understatement. I was trying so hard not to laugh. The boys thought we were going to Switzerland and boy would they be surprised. Louis and I were sharing similar expressions, trying not to give away the surprise before we took off. And I felt even more evil sitting there in a skirt and black top that was simple, but it had the small white words on the back, not who you thought I was. Louis and I had packed well for the occasion, I hoped the other boys had as well, although that was doubtful.

"Man I'm keen to go eat their chocolate," Niall exclaimed from beside me as we took our seats in the middle section, along with the other boys. I was next to Niall, of course, we were promoting our relationship as of today. We had been officially announced to the world and I could tell you, in the days since the single being released, news of it and the album was spreading fast. I had made sure the album had definitely had pop songs on it, since that is what the audience of today seem to love.

"Me too," I grinned at Niall as he buckled his seat belt and immediately became attached to his movie screen, starting the Hunger Games. I giggled and he gave me a slight shove.

"It's a good movie," he blushed and I knew he liked the romancey stuff in it too. Cute Niall, adorable.

Although I hadn't had a few memories in a while. It was like I had forgotten who I was and a big chunck of me was now missing. Pieces had been replaced but I felt there was still something missing. I remember being sad, and I figured mostly about mum, but what had happened to me? I needed to know. But no one would directly answer my questions. I needed to know and soon, or I would go stir crazy.


The plane flight went smoothly and only as we were landing did the boys really realize, hang on, ten hours...

"We aren't going to chocolate, we are in America?" Niall exclaimed as he awoke from his slumber. The boys except me and Louis had been out of it and everyone woke up to start exclaiming, remaining mostly quiet but in shock.

"But, how... what... we caught the wrong plane!" Liam tries to figure it out and then he looks guilty.

"I'm so stupid but how?" He tried desperately to figure it out and Louis and I shared a look as the others looked on in dismay before we both burst out into laughter.

The boys froze before they all frowned.

"What the hell?" Zayn asked, looking thoroughly confused. I couldn't contain the truth any longer.

"We kept it secret we are going to Los Angeles and we are doing something very special tomorrow!" I couldn't stop laughing and NIall let out a moan of frustration as well as one of joy? If that is possible.

"You and Louis will pay," Harry narrowed his eyes at me and we just tried to breathe as tears began streaming across our faces from laughter, Louis was red. 

"Don't worry we will have fun! And then we will go back to London!" I cheered as the pilot began instructing us to take our seats and prepare fro landing.

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