It Never Ends

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~Andy's POV~

I think life has started to slow down for everybody.. Lily's present brought happiness to everybody. And now, that shes gone it feels like the house is empty. It's been almost 1 week now that she's gone.

She texts us saying she's alright, but we know inside, that she isn't..

"Andy" I heard CC scream from the kitchen as I was sitting down on the sofa watching tv "yup?" "Do you know how to do the pancakes just like Lily did?" He asked as the whole house got quiet..
Ashley had stopped writing down lyrics
I couldn't hear Jinxx's violin
And Jake had stopped his workout.

Just one sentence with Lily in it makes the whole world stop. "Don't know.. Sorry bud.." I took a deep breath as everybody started to do what they were doing

~Vic's POV~

1 week.. 1 week. It seems like a whole year to me. She texts us, but still seeing her in person Is better. I didn't get any news from Kellin since then.. Either didn't I get anything from Andy..

I was sitting on the couch with the boys watching tv as the door opened.

"Get your lazy asses up!" I heard a familiar voice say. I turn my head to see Kellin and the other guys from his band. I quickly get up with the others as we greet him

"What brings you here Kell!" Jaime says leaning on the wall.

"Big news boys! Big news!" Justin say while hitting Kellin on his shoulder.
"Yes Justin yes." Kellin laughed as he paused then looked at me and smirked "I know how to bring Lily back.. And. No- I'll bring and we'll all bring Lily back!"

I looked at him speechless. "Kellin you know that's impossible!" I heard Mike say "it ain't impossible. Let me tell you something and you listen.. How did Andy find Aly? At a concert. Why? Because the lyrics went to her heart! If she get tickets to go see a concert soon. She'll text us.. We text whoever she's going to see to make him 'kidnap' her. Just like Andy did and then boom !! She's back!" We all looked at him as the members from SWS started to laugh.. I knew that they knew.. It was completely nonsense.

"Oh-kay... Kellin. When was the last time you slept?" Tony said calmly. While Kellin just ruffled his hair as it went up in the air and messed his hair. "A few days now" I look at Gabe who nods "Kellin go to sleep."

He just laughed and opened the door that leaded outside "no. So bye" he said as he tried to leave and I just ran and closed the door pushing him back inside. I knew what I had to do.

"Ok Kellin, listen, call Andy. Maybe he agrees about your 'plan'" he nodded, as he opened his phone, press the call button to Andy and put it on speakers.

Phone call:

Kell: hey what up dude it's Kellin!
Andy: Hey Kellin Quinn!
Kellin: haha yep that's me.
Andy: how may I help you?
Vic: okay Batman. Listen up. Put your phone on speaker Kellin has something to say!
Andy: Ok.. It's on
CC: Wassupppp!!
Jinxx: So what is it?
Kellin: .. we'll bring Lily back.
Jake: and how Kellin?
Mike: hahah.. Just shut up and listen
Kellin: ... just like Lily got to your house. With a concert. But this time like a new band that the lyrics will touch her heart and lead her to the dressing room as they find her. And bring her back to us!
Ashley: What. The. Fuck.
Jake: Kellin go sleep bud
Andy: ... guys shut up. It may work
Jaime: What!!?
Jinxx: .. He's right.
Andy: we could actually send her the tickets like if she won a chance to meet band members?
Vic and Tony: I agree!
Mike: but who?
Justin (sleeping with sirensxd): how about Austin Carlile
Jesse: what?? Are you serious?!
Gabe: wait..
Andy: how about Ronnie?
Everybody except Andy: FORGET IT BATMAN!
Kellin: How about Oliver?
Vic: why not
Jaime: he's cool!
Ashley: the British?
Cc: yeah yeah
Andy: okay I'll text him.

Then.. Andy hang up. Aly's gonna be back soon! For sure!


Hey guys
sorry for the short chapter.
I didn't want it to be in one big chapter
ha. Sorry. So yeah' next chapter will be out soon'
Luv y'all

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