I Won't Give Up.. For The Boys I Won't

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Bang bang!

I heard somebody behind my door banging

"Wake the fuck up!" I heard my mom said

I slowly stretched and got up to the door and rested my head on it "I'm up!" I yelled back.

"Good! Get dressed and come downstairs we have something to tell you" she ordered after leaving.

I walked to the bathroom and took a quick shower after getting dressed and letting my hair loose to act.. Normal but not to much Ya know!

"Good morning Aly!!" I heard my brothers said as I walk downstairs "hey.." I said as I sat down at the kitchen table and looked at my dad who was reading the journal...

"Aly!" My mother hissed as I jumped and looked at her as she was sitting in front of me "yes that's me?" She sigh and shrugged as she started to talk again.. "Tomorrow you're starting school again.." "Ok" was all I say.. What you wanted me to scream no! I ain't going back to that fucking place.. Well guess what I can't.. Or else I would get slapped. So no thank you.

"That's all.. You can do what you want but remember.. You can't get out of the house you're grounded."

"Non sense" I responded as her eyes widen

"Say what?!"

"What you said had no logic.. You can do what you want but don't get out of the house cause you're grounded can't you see th-" I stopped mid sentence as fell off my chair.. I lift my head to see my father he had hit me again.. Again and again he continued to hit me and kick me


I heard my brother scream as I cough out blood.

"SAY YOU'RE SORRY!!" He yelled as tears streamed down my face as only two things came to my mind.. The boys and one sentence I'll need to survive..

'I won't give in.. For the boys I won't'

"Honey stop!!" I heard my mom scream as she tried to stop my father who was beating me up!

"I-I'm sorry.. I'm sorry!!" I screamed as he continued to hit me until my mother slapped him as he stopped as looked at my mother.. They argued as my vision was starting to get blurry..

'Aly get up!' I yelled to myself as I slowly got up. 'Get up for fuck sake!' I finally got up as I walked to my room and locked it behind me..

I walked to the bathroom and wash the blood out of my face and cried.. That's the only thing I could do.. I looked at myself in the mirror as I punched it.. As it broke into millions of little pieces..

I collapsed to the ground as my hand was bleeding.. But I didn't fucking care... I need to sing.. I need to sing..

I slowly got up and sat down on the ground at the end of my bed and closed my eyes as I started to sing.. God If You Are Above.. As I put my hands together to do a prayer

God cannot save my soul
It's straight to hell for me, I know
And when I get there,
At least I've found a place to call my home
They say the truth will set you free
Then why am I still here?
I've got no truth left, don't you see?
Am I making myself clear?
Resolution, no solution
God, if you are above... I fear
That one day the whole world will disappear
And if it does, will I have lived my life the way that I could?
The way that I should?
My spirit's stuck between two roads, And waiting there on me
The first path is the way to go, The life I wanna lead
The second road's my crazy past The darkest parts I try to mask, The drugs, the guns, the lies, the love The dreams I had of waking up!

By then I had stopped singing.. I had to stop or else I would have burst into more tears.. Instead I remembered Marie.. I turned my head towards the window as I saw her talking on the phone.. I quickly got up and opened the window and jumped on her roof and walked towards her window and knocked.. She turned her head and jumped as she rushed to opened the window to Let me in "thanks" I said as I sat down on a chair in her room.. She signed me to shut up as she continued to talk on the phone..

"Yeah, I have to go now. Yes haha byebye!" She hanged up and looked at me from head to toe.. My clothes had blood on it and my hand was covered in blood! "Aly-Sophia Caitlyn? What the actual fuck are you doing at you're parents house?!" I lift my head up as I was going to cry.. "I-I went to court yesterday and my parents won.. Again!" "Wait what?!" She rushed to me and moved my hair out from my face.

"What did these rockstars do to you.. Rape?!  Are you pregnant?!" She was so worried that it made me laugh.. I started to laugh as she tilt her head confused as I shook it off "they did nothing! Haha- it was my parents again God damn it!" I yelled as she sigh in relieve and dragged me into the bathroom.. She washed off the blood from my hand and wrapped it into a bandage.

"Wait here I'll give you some new clothes" she said as she left the bathroom to get some clothes.. As she came back a few minutes after with a pair of gray skinny and a black t-shirt..

I quickly changed and walked to the window.. "You're leaving?" She said worried I chuckled a bit and flashed a fake smile "I'm grounded.." She nodded as I opened the window and got on the roof.

"Aly!" Marie said before I got inside my room "what?" I replied.. She smiled as tears started to form in her eyes "these people changed, you but in a good way.." I smiled and closed my window as I tear rolled down my cheek.. I knew what she said was true..

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