If My Heart Stopped Would You Miss Me?

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~Jaime's POV~

Even since we've been in this room, for .. 6hours now.. I've been looking at Aly, the girl in the coma. I don't know why, but she looks like a Mexican, but.. Or.. Maybe it's her mother or father that is Mexican. Oh well.

I took out my phone and started to check my messages.

~Kellin's POV~

It's long.. I wonder if she's gonna live.. I look up at the monitor. I don't know. But it looks like her heart rate is slowing down.

My imagination? I don't even know anymore..

*Time skip 2 weeks later*
~Vic's POV~

We've been taking turns everyday to see who will be coming to check on her. We decided that 1 week ago.. Why? Black Veil Brides member hadn't sleep from the day the accident happened.. So Kellin started to get worried about them.

"Vic.. Vic.. Mira eso! (Look at that)" Jaime said as he pointed to the heart monitor. It was really slow. I got up walking towards the bed as the monitor stopped beeping. "Jaime!" He nod as he started screaming for help. "Doctors!! Doctors!" He screamed as they burst into the room.

They pushed Jaime and I out of the room as I took out my phone shaking trying to hold the tears in I texted all the boys..

To: Tony, Mike, Andy, Ashley, Jake, Jinxx, CC, Jaime and Kellin
From: Vic
Guys.. Aly's heart just stopped.

I didn't even have time to close my phone Andy was the first one to see the message.

From: Andy
Don't you dare move, I'm coming.

And as he told. A few minutes later I saw him running towards Jaime and I "any news !" He said trying to catch back his breath.

Jaime shakes his head as I looked at the ground. He sits down his head in his head. A tear rolled down his cheek as he sighed waiting.

We heard some screaming, moving and some beeping. Then nothing.. No more noises. I looked at Jaime as I sigh a tear escaping my eyes. Then, I felt someone tap my shoulder. I turn my head to see Mike and the other boys. "Tal vez no sabemos pero... Es triste todavía.. (Maybe we don't know her but.. It's still sad.." Jaime said as he lowered his head. I knew that the BVB boys didn't understand. But anyways.

One hour passed as the doctors came out the room and passed by us without saying any words. I looked at Andy. I knew just by his expression he was going to say 'what the fuck?'

One of the doctors stopped and looked at us. He was holding a knife in his hands which made me and Jaime send a shiver down our spine.

"Aly Caitlyn's family or.. Friends?" The doctor said as we all nodded. "You may go in"

~Andy's POV~

We all ran in the room as Aly was sitting on the bed breathing with an oxygen mask. Her eyes wide open she looked at every one of us in the room..

She slowly took off the oxygen mask as she putted in on her legs on pinched her arm "tell me I'm dead?" I looked around the room. I gotta agree if I was her I would probably think I'm dead. There's BVB PTV and SWS's lead vocalist Kellin Quinn in one room.

~Aly's POV~

Everybody was there looking at me. I put my hands in my face as I start to cry "I hate Friday the 13!" All BVB walk towards me and hugs me "don't scare us like that!" They all said crying I hugged back smiling a bit "I'll try.. But now I can't breath!" They all moved as Ash gave me back my oxygen mask as I putted in on.

~Kellin's POV~

I looked at Vic as he nodded .. I looked at the other boys as we started to walk out the door "wait!" I heard Aly's high pitch voice stop us we all looked at her as she putted a warm smile on her face "thanks for saving me when I got hit by the car" "n-no problem" Vic and I responded

~Vic's POV~

How cute..


*^* ~Fangirlss~
mkay mkay! Sorry!
Hope you guys like this chapter
and I've been.. Thinking of maybe this a love story
buut.. I've been wondering who to chose.. Between every guy.. From PTV BVB Or SWS
let me know your idea.. And yh
till then!

Please Be My SavioursDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora