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Weeks.. Possibly has passed, and my life has turned back into the same routine back before I met Black Veil Brides..
~wake up ~ Cut ~ Shower ~ School ~ Bullies ~ miss bus ~ walk home ~ More bullies ~ get home ~ grounded ~ cut ~ and then I just visit Marie for an hour or more.. ~

May sound weird but I got used to it quickly, like if it was natural to me.. I mean- it was my natural life before meeting the boys!

"Look at you!" Brittany said as she pushes me on the lockers, "go back to your house and kill yourself! You don't deserve to fucking live!"

And she's right.

But I won't give up... Yet.

And still. Everyday, this happens, don't worry about me.. I'm used to everything, and with that! I started to smoke with Marie, yes she smokes , but she doesn't smoke often compared to me.

My life is terrible as fuck...

~Oliver Sykes POV~

"Well.. Well I might think about that!" I said smirking while talking on the phone with Mr.Biersack. "You need my help? Why didn't you chose Austin orrrr Ronnie?" I said slightly curious "Oli, I think your music will be better for this I mean- Ronnie and Austin's music are badass as fuck too but, this time you're the one we need!"

I took a deep breath and spoke on the phone again "alright alright! I'll help you guys to bring her back, I'll send her some VIP tickets to meet us!" "Great! We all count on you Oliver!"

Geez.. Are they serious!

~Aly's POV~

As I got home from school, I open the mail box and got out the mail.

I got in the house as I dropped my bag and on the ground and look throughout the mails:
Wait what?! I quickly throw the school mail in the garbage and open mine,

"Hey Aly-Sophia! You win some VIP tickets to meet Bring Me The Horizon! The show is Saturday in two weeks!
I'll let you calculate ;)
~Oli Sykes and Bring Me The Horizon"

"AHHHHH!!!" I screamed running up to my room! Oli Sykes! I can't believe it!
"Sophia shut up!!" I heard my parents scream as I closed the door to my room.

I locked the door of my room and quickly jumped out the window onto the rooftop of Marie's house. As I started to bang on her window "Marie Marie open the fuck up you won't believe it!!" She quickly ran to the window and opened it to let me in "whatchu want for fuck sake?"

I couldn't stop jumping, it was a dream that looked unreal "I got tickets, no! VIP tickets to see Bring Me The Horizon live! And meet them after the show!!" She looked at me speechless. "Did you smoke weed or some shit?" My jaw dropped as I started to laugh "no I swear!! Look" I quickly brought my hand to my pocket and took out the letter and the ticket.

"O.M.F.G" she said for the hundredth time as we were sitting on her bed. "Oli fucking Sykes signed this letter!" "I know praise me!" I responded getting up on her bed. She laughed and said sarcastically "yes my queen!!" "This is cool right?" I said smiling for the first time since I left the boys. She looked at me and nodded, I knew she saw me smile, and I think she was impressed, since I never smile.

She got up and opened the window, "nowww go text them the news!! Go go go!" She said while dancing as I laughed and got out the window and went back in my room.

I quickly grabbed my phone and texted Vic first:

Me: Victor Fuentes
Vic: girlll!! Where were you I missed youuuu ;-;
Me: I'm sooo sorryyyyy.. I thought you guys didn't me to text you back since I'm back with my parents... And yeah.
Vic: whattttt!! Nooooo you have to text us! This is an order from mister Fuentes okay?
Me: haha okay mister
Vic: so what's up!?
Me: got VIP tickets to meet BMTH!!!
Vic: Ohhh damnnnnn that's nicceeeeee
Me: I know I know, I have to go now, homework and stuff .-. Text you later tell the boys I'm fine xx
Vic: I will xx talk to you latterrrr!

~Vic's POV~

"Tony, Mike, Jaime?" I said as I closed my phone and ran to the kitchen where they were all sitting. They all looked at me curiously, "Lily texted me... she's fine, and she got the tickets" Mike just jumped off his chair and started to scream "fuck yeahh!!!" "Let's just hope everything will end up like in the first concert..." I said as I sat back down on the couch"


hey guyssss I'm back with a new chapter
I'm sorryyyy for the slow updates,
anywayss hope you guys like this chapter and leave a comment for opinions,

Anyways till next time-
Alyy Lee~~

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