Our Days Are Numbered

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We, by we I mean me and the Black Veil Brides group were walking in the mall to go to my favorite shop, which I have never entered before because my parents say it's too 'dark.' But seriously. These guys are way too suspicious. Ashley keep whistling to the hot girls, Jake keeps whining when we're gonna eat pizza, CC keeps moving his fingers up and down like it was some drumsticks. The only one's that are normal for now, is Andy and Jinxx. Which is kinda creeping me out.

As we were getting closer and closer I spot a group of girls, chitchatting.. One problem, it's Christie and her group of friends, these girls bully me every day. But they're not the only ones. I remember. I used to have friends before. It came to my mind as I say Claire and Denise with Christie. What about these two girls, they were my best friends. "We're never going to leave you alone!" Was something they both reminded me when I started to get bullied, when the first day of high school started.. But Christie said something that changed their minds "you know what?" Christie said to my two best friends that day. "What?" They both answered. "Aly is trying to steal both of your boyfriends" that's when they trusted Christie.. And not me. Sucks to be me sometimes.

"Hey are you okay?" I heard CC say as I looked at him. I was starting to walk slower and slower. I nod smiling a bit. "Wait here guys. Okay?" I point to a bench as they both nod and go sit down. I sigh as I open the door and enter.

I looked around the store as I picked up some clothing. I already loved my new clothes! I bought lots of things. Even some new shoes! They're soo pretty!! Yes.. I know, I look like a 5 year old who was just told by her parents "we're going to Disney land" but what ever!

After 15 minutes I get out of the shop with two bags of clothing. "Done?" Jinxx asked as they all got up "yeah" I reply as Jake has a big smile on his face "pizza now?" "Yes Jake" we all say at the same time.

When we finally got back home. I went upstairs to put away my clothes. I know I'm only staying a month but. I really like having a lot of clothes.

I exit the room going downstairs slowly. That's when I heard it. The sound of a soft violin.. It was Jinxx. I turn my head to his door as I walked back the stairs. When I was finally in front of his door. I knock slowly.. "Ya?" The music stops as I open the door. Only having my head inside "you're good at playing the violin" he smiles "thanks" I fully open the door as he starts playing again. Just by hearing the music I felt calm. I sat down on the ground listening to him playing.

But the peacefulness stopped when I heard.. A guitar play. Jake. Of course. Jinxx smiled still playing as I exited the room slowly closing the door going towards the sound Where Jake was playing.

I lean on the door listening to him playing. He immediately stops when he sees me "is the sound bothering you?" He asked me a little concern. I shake my head "no I just heard the sound and came towards it." He nods and starts playing again. Everybody here is so good. That's why I love Black Veil Brides, their music the meaning of the songs.. Everything about them.. I love it.

The next morning I woke up by the scream of death. "My pizza!!!!!" Obviously that was Jake. "Who ate my pizza?" He screamed throughout the house. I opened the door rubbing my eyes still in my pajamas. "Jake would you shut up!" I heard Andy scream on the other side of the wall. "I'm sorry!!! But my freaking pizza disappeared!!!" He ran upstairs as he saw me. "Oh.. Aly. Did I wake you up?" I roll my eyes and fold my arms "obviously. With that scream I thought you were dying." CC opened the door of his room while he was holding a bass ball bat in his hands "what's going on here!!" He asked as Jake was faking crying "my pizza!!" "Oh... I didn't eat it." Was the last thing he said before closing the door again. That's when Ashley opened the door. "I ate it" "how dare you Ash!" Jake screamed as Jinxx opened his door. "Guys.. Shut up." Was all he said. The three of us looked at him. Did he just say Shut up?

When everything was back to normal: Andy was listening to Batman, Jake Ordering Pizza, Jinxx half asleep on the couch and CC and Ashley still in their bed. I guess I could get used to this quickly.


woaah! Another chapter?!
yepp :)
I know they aren't very loong but
soon it will be :)
Till the next chapter

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