The Roommate Disaster - One

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It's a one fine Sunday when I step out of the house

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It's a one fine Sunday when I step out of the house. First day of summer vacation. High school is over and in three months' time, I'll be starting a journey as a college student. I feel anxious just thinking about moving out of the house and out of my comfort zone. I've been dependent to my parents since the moment I was out of this world. So what will it feel to be on a new journey on my own?

   "Good morning, Mrs. Montgomery," I wave to the old lady next door.

   "Morning, dear. Where you going?" she asks. She stops watering her plants as I walk over towards her.

   "Oh, you know," I tuck some loose strands of hair behind my ear, "summer."

   She smiles. I like her because she always give me cookies whenever she makes one. I'm kind of going to miss that one. "Going to spend your summer elsewhere?" She continues watering again.

   I laugh slightly. "No. I'm gonna be stuck here but I'm going to check some apartments near university. I'm hoping to find one before the semester start."

   "That's going to be one hell of hard work," she tells me and we both laugh at that.

   "I'll see you around. Bye."

   I get in my car and as I start the engine, my phone starts blasting Beethoven's Ode to Joy. My best friend wants her own ringtone to be a classical one as per her request.

   "I'm on my way," is what I say when I answer. We don't say hello to each other.

   "I know you are. Just, you're still looking for an apartment, right?" Sadie asks me.

   "Well, yeah. What about that?"

   "I saw this advertisement on facebook and you might want to check that one out? It's only a ten minute walk to university," she tells me.

   "We can talk about that when I get there. I'll see you." I hang up. Just like how we don't say hello, it's the same thing with goodbye.

                                                                     * * *

Twenty minutes after meeting up with Sadie, we are both staring at her laptop screen. The advertisement she told me is apparently owned by a guy named Tristan. As if that won't stop me from checking the apartment. To say that my best friend is helping me out, she isn't exactly.

   I turn to face her, an eyebrow raise up. "You do know he's a guy, right?"

   She gives me a cheeky smile. "Just helping out."

   "You aren't!" I yelp a little. "You sent a query and a meet up without knowing who created the advertisement?"

   She closes her palms together, shooting me a puppy dog look. "It didn't cross my mind. But what if he just created that and the apartment is owned by his girlfriend?"

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