The Roommate Disaster - Thirty

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The Roommate Disaster – Thirty

All my bags are pack. I look around and the room looks like the room I saw when I first got here. Naked and raw. I text Kurt to help me out with my stuff. Sadie is already outside. I make sure that Tristan is sound asleep in his room. Despite of Tristan's protest to Samantha that she can't sleep in his room, there's no other spare room he can offer. Also, Tricia has been clingy to him. So when it's almost midnight, I told them that it's okay even though my heart is breaking into tiny bits and pieces as I watch them all go in one room. I'm just glad that my friends are willing to help out.

I text my go signal to Kurt. In two minutes, he gets out of his room, fully clothed but with messy hair and dark circles under his eyes.

"I'm sorry for waking you up," I apologized. Three in the morning is not the best nor the worst time of the night. It's either Tristan will get up or he will still be sound asleep.

He smiles as he takes two of my bags. "It's okay. The dude's becoming an ass anyway." He shrugs. I carry one box and follow him downstairs. Sadie helps out Kurt and me get my things inside the backseat.

After three trips of going back and forth, all my things are finally inside the car. Kurt embraces himself as he knows this will be the last time he'll see me again.

"Thank you so much," I say. I hug him and prevent any tears from falling.

"You take care okay? Don't forget that I'm always willing to help out," he tells me.

"Yes. You too. Please. You have to take care of yourself, Kurt. Look at you."

"I'm gonna miss you and your cooking." He hugs me one last time. "Go now. He might get up. Not one word will come out."

I get in the car and wave at him. He waves for one more time before getting back inside. Not only did I move out of Tristan's apartment, I'm also withdrawing all my classes at Saint Albert. I'm requesting mom and dad to transfer me to a university somewhere else.

I sniff on my seat, holding back the loud sob that wants to escape.

"It'll be okay," Sadie says over and over until we reach my house.

Mom and dad are waiting outside the door. They welcome me back without questions. Sadie stays the night. I'm glad that she doesn't have a class in the morning or else I'm not letting her hear me cry all my problems to her.

"He's so naïve," Sadie comments with a frown. "How can he sleep while you are just a few meters away in his room? He should know better."

"I shouldn't have returned, you know. I shouldn't have started dating him. Now look at me? I'm a mess. It's all fucked up."

She pulls me in a hug. All of these pains are too much. I can't handle being away from him but I can't stay with him either.

"You have to stop thinking about him from now on. It's the best thing to do. In the morning, I'll help out pack. I'm so glad you called and asked me to pick you up. No matter what time of day it is, I'll always be here to help you out."

Sadie mentioned that my parents found me a new apartment which is much closer to Saint Albert. They knew that I would soon move out and that I have to find my own place so they did it instead. It's behind the university and most everyone who lives there are students of the uni.

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