The Roommate Disaster - Thirty-One

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The Roommate Disaster – Thirty-One

Tristan's POV

I wake up at six in the morning. Samantha is all curled up in my bed with Tricia on her side. I should've slept on the couch instead of here. I can't imagine what would've Billie think about us sleeping all together in one room like a family. I cringe at the thought. Stretching my arms up, I go out of my room to continue my sleep beside Billie. She has to know that there is nothing she needs to worry about. I'm all hers.

The door doesn't open when I try the knob. Surprisingly, it's locked. Billie doesn't usually lock her door and I fear for what she has done to herself. This is so stupid of me. Why did I even let her sleep alone after what happened last night?

"Billie?" I knock, calling her name. There is no answer on the other side. "Billie, open up." I bang harder on the door but it doesn't budge. "Billie, please open up."

"Something wrong, Tristan?" I hear Samantha.

I don't dare look at her. I just say, "Please. Get the hell out of my apartment. I don't know what do you want but you can't stay here with us."

"What about Tricia?"

In fast motion, I'm in front of her. I'm flaring in anger and I can't do anything to fix this thing. Billie won't feel assured if Samantha and her daughter are living with us. How can I gain more of her trust if she always sees the daughter of my ex cling to me like a father?

"Don't you dare use your daughter to me," I warn her. "When Tricia wakes up, you have to leave." I walk back to Billie's room, knocking and calling out her name. When I can't take it anymore, I get the spare key of the room in the kitchen. It's in one of the drawers and I've been hiding it ever since. I'm only using it for emergency and to be honest, I haven't used it. This is the first time.

Suddenly, I feel cold as I unlock the knob. I don't want to think of anything as I enter her room. I just want to see her in her bed sound asleep. Then I can climb beside her and wrap her in my arms.

The bed is all made up. The room is all cleaned up. There is nothing but a spotless room filled with nothing but the bed and the closet. Where did she go? I see a note on the nightstand.

Things aren't going pretty well with all of us. I'd rather be the one to do the first move. – Billie

"No," I say to no one in particular. I run outside, ignoring Tricia who calls me. I knock hard on Kurt's door, knowing that he may be has an idea where the hell is Billie.

He doesn't open but slips a piece of paper under the door.

"What the fuck? Open up!"

"Go away!" he shouts on the other side.

I groan and pick up the paper. Written on it is, You break Billie's heart. She's the best thing that has ever happened to you but you still break her.

"I didn't break her heart! Goddammit!" I bang on his door. "Please tell me where she is. Is she in there? Can you please ask her to talk to me? Please, man. I just need to talk to her."

Surprisingly, the door opens. Kurt is not happy to see me. He is glaring at me and it makes me wonder if I deserve the way he looks at me.

"Please. Just..." I try to walk past him to see if Billie is in his apartment but he only blocks my way. "Man, please. I just need to talk to her. Billie!" I call. There's nothing I hear.

He crosses his arms over his chest, leaning to the door threshold. "She's not here anymore. She left because you're too stupid. You don't think, Tristan."

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