The Roommate Disaster - Twenty-Nine

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Before you start, maybe you need some tissue ;)

Maybe play the song while reading this as well, yeah?


The Roommate Disaster – Twenty-Nine

I move back in the apartment a week after. Sadie isn't happy about my decision but she supports me. She knows that I won't listen to her anyway even if she tells me to stay away from Tristan more than a hundred times already. Kurt is happy to know that little fact. He and Tristan are okay again, which is one thing I'm really thankful for. Tristan texts me just I'm about to get out of my last class, saying that he'll be the one who'll pick me up. That's the set up we had last night.

The three of us sat in Tristan's living room floor and made some rules in the house. As much as I wanted to disagree, I couldn't, because he still owned the place. He agreed to have Kurt around while he isn't. He also agreed Kurt to pick me up when he can't. Pretty much, Tristan agreed on everything because I said so.

And another thing, Tristan and I are finally dating.

I am in doubt of being in an unofficial relationship but I want to take things slow so dating is the only thing I can think of. I request to have a lunch or dinner with Samantha so we can clear things between us as well. Even if I want them to cut off their ties, I think I'll be the villain if I do that. There's a kid involve and the kid thinks of Tristan as her dad. I can't help but roll my eyes at that knowledge.

Samantha agrees to have a lunch on Saturday. One that I don't expect is when she says that she'll bring her kid. I'm like, no you can't, but Tristan is all good. All I do is sigh and hope that everything turns out okay.

"You're all smiles," Ashley comments as we walk out of the building.

"Tristan is picking me up," I tell her, hugging my book even more.

She giggles beside me and then tells it to announce it to our group. I have a huge group of friends here in uni. I'm glad I'm able to find friends who have the same mind as me.

"Is this the one who picks you up the last time?" she asks.

"Yes, he's the one."

"You are so lucky to have a hot boyfriend."

I cough slightly. "No, he's not my boyfriend. We're only dating."

"Duh! It's the same as being him your boyfriend," Noelle butts in, slinging her arms to her boyfriend, Harold. "I'm dating Harold and he's my boyfriend. What's the difference of that anyway? You're seeing each other—wait, let me correct that. You're living with him. So what else should there be to call him your boyfriend?"

I roll my eyes. "I'll share everything that I can tomorrow." That's all I say, waving away to them as I walk towards Tristan who is waiting outside his car. "Right on time," I say to him. He opens my door for me.

When he's on the driver's seat, he leans forward to kiss me on the cheek. I blush a little, still not used to the fact that he can do those things now without my consent. "How's your day?" he asks as he drives away.

I wave one last time to my friends before I turn my full attention to him. "My day is the same as always. You can skip asking me that everytime you pick me up."

"Here's your coffee, by the way." He hands me the cup that I see on the dashboard. "Okay, what should I ask you then?" He glances at me with a grin on his face. Gosh, I still can't believe I'm dating him now. I can always stare at those eyes whenever, wherever I want.

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