The Roommate Disaster - Summer Special Part 1

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Before you all freak out, I decide to add few special chapters a year after the epilogue. You all know how things end between Tristan and Billie and I hope these specials will actually make you feel satisfied. I miss writing them so they're back for a short time. Also I'll enter this story to the wattys so please please support. Thank you!


The Roommate Disaster – Summer Special Part 1

I do not expect to meet Kurt at the grocery store. After making sure that I won't be seen around the area, I find myself trap between packs of potato chips. Kurt is wide eyed and definitely about to grin. I wave awkwardly, not really sure if I should run or walk over to him. Instead, he is the one who comes close to me.

"Billie!" he says too enthusiastically. "You are more beautiful now."

One year after the last time I see him and he is still the same as ever. I'm glad he still wants to talk to me. Transferring to another state seems to make me forget that somehow, I met people who became my friends even for just a short period of time only.

"What are you doing here?" he asks, the smile still in place.

I'm not sure if I want to tell him but then again, this is Kurt. How can I keep a secret from him?

I smile all too well. "I moved in just last week. I'm taking my internship at Saint Albert," I inform him.

His eyes that is previously wide becomes wider and I fear it might bulge out of its sockets anytime. "You are back?" he asks. "Oh shit," he mutters under his breath.

My brows furrow in confusion. "Is something wrong?"

Kurt doesn't have to answer my question anymore as the guy behind him stops and drops a pack of noodles. He looks surprised and I find it hilarious to be honest. What's with this guys?

"Billie, Tristan is—"

I point behind him, cutting off whatever he is about to say. He turns around and mutters another oh shit. He scrambles to his feet and takes the cart out just in time when Tristan stops in front of me.

"Hello," I greet him with a small smile.

                It's never an awkward situation between us

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It's never an awkward situation between us. It's probably because we end on a good note when we left things one year ago. The fact that we stop communicating after that seems to put me on the edge at first. But I understand the space he asked me to give him. Did I dare date anyone? I can say I went out a few times but not to the point to call them boyfriends. I still find attachment to this guy standing in front of me.

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