The Roommate Disaster - Thirty-Four

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The Roommate Disaster - Thirty-Four

I'm back at my parents house for the weekend. It's because my grandparents are there as well. They want to hang out with me. Or it's what my parents wants me to do actually. But I'm staying in my room, thinking about how I'm going to talk to Tristan. I have to talk to him.

A knock comes in my door but I don't answer. I turn my back on it with a sigh.

"Aren't you even going to have breakfast with us, Billie?" mom asks by the door.

"I still want to be in bed," I answer her.

I feel the other side of my bed fall. "What's wrong, honey? You looked pale when you arrived here and you didn't even eat dinner. Maybe I can help out with what's bothering you," she says. She puts a hand on my arm. "Is this still about Tristan?"

"I'm just really tired, mom," I tell her. I know she's worried, and she's right. It's still about Tristan. But this time, I'm the one who did something wrong. I want to make things between us to be alright again. "Actually, mom..." I get up, sighing once more. "Has Tristan visited for the times I wasn't here?"

She purses her lips. Somehow, I thought she's going to tease me. "Well, he visited for the first two weeks, asking where are you staying. He would stay until lunch and talked to us about random things. And then he would go. Why?"

I shake my head. "Nothing in particular. I'm going to prepare for breakfast." I get out of bed and head for the bathroom.

I lock the bathroom door and slide down. Tears start to brim on my eyes and I can't help but let it roll down my cheeks. It's no use. No matter how hard I try to ignore my feelings, it won't stop coming out. I need to talk to Tristan soon or my chest is going to burst out.

I wipe my eyes with the back of my hand as I stand up. I splash some water on my face, retracing all my actions. Tristan is not going to make any move as of the moment after what I did. He needs time, like what Sadie said. He gave me time. Well, at least up to the day Sadie brought him with her. Should I also wait? But he didn't exactly wait...

The people downstairs are lively. I can hear my parents telling something and then laughing off together. I can't join them if I look like someone died. My eyes are still a bit puffy. I'm not ready to play question and answer with them. So I turn my back and about to get back to my room when mom calls for me.

"You have a visitor," she says.

I look back at her with a big question mark on my face. I don't expect anyone to visit me especially that no one knows I'm staying over at my parents'.

"He's outside waiting for you," she adds before finally going back with dad and grandparents in the living room.

I take a deep breath before finally walking down the stairs. I hope my eyes don't show anything.

When I open the door, my eyes widen in surprise. It's not Tristan.

It's Drake.

I see his familiar smile. It's been so long I almost forget what he looks like. I'm still standing by the door's threshold. I don't know what should I do. Like I say, it's been a while.

"How are you, Billie?" Drake asks, coming closer to me.

"Wha--what are you doing here?" I ask, blinking more than once. "I mean, San Francisco is not that close and as far as I know, it's not yet your vacation."

He is standing a few inches away from me. I can smell that sweet lavender smell he is wearing. Then he leans down in front of me, our faces a mere an inch away from each other. I feel a blush on my face as he says, "I just miss you."

I swallow and blink. "You just... miss me?"

He nods, flashing me another smile. "Don't you miss me?"

My mouth opens and closes but not a single word comes out. How should I say that I didn't even think about him since I moved in with Tristan. He knows that we don't have to keep any attachments. Why does he have to be here at this time?

"I'm surprised. What should I say?" I laugh with no humor. Even my smile is a little forced out.

"You don't really have to say anything, you know. Seeing you in person again is enough." He leans to me and give me a kiss on the cheek. "I really miss you, Billie," he whispers before pulling back.

"Well then, it's nice seeing you again," is the only thing I say.

Then he stares at me.

My brows furrow at him. "What are you looking at?"

"You seem off. Is something wrong?"

My eyes start to burn up. I don't want him to know that I'm having guy problems. It's pathetic and childish. But still, it makes me want to confide to him.

I look down, my face scrunching up as I contain my tears to fall. My shoulders sag and I feel the tears on my cheeks. Drake doesn't say anything but he takes my hand and pulls me towards him. His arms go around my waist. I'm wetting his shirt with my tears--pathetic tears--and he doesn't seem to care. He should be aware that these tears are for a certain guy who is not him. He should be mad actually.

"Just cry if that will make you feel better," is what he says.

So I cry. No words are exchanged between us. I listen to his heartbeat even if my sob is taking over much of the sound around us. It's that comforting feeling I get when I'm around Drake that makes it easy to be as vulnerable as I am right now.

When I pull myself away, I wipe the tears away as I say, "Thank you."

He smiles. I notice the dimple on his cheek again. He's still the same Drake. How come he can be this the same person when he's been away for months? Why can't that other guy be like this one? Why change for someone like me? Am I worth the change?

"I hope before I leave you'll be okay," he tells me. He lifts my chin for my eyes to meet his. "This is not what I expect to see when I arrived here. I thought I'm going to see a happier Billie. This is so not you at all. What happened anyway?"

"Just college life, you know. It's been tough. How are you? I didn't get the chance to ask you that," I ask.

"I'm good. College life is actually turning pretty great. I thought we're experiencing the same thing. Do you have a boyfriend now? If there's none, do you want to go out today?"

"Today? I'm actually just staying over. I'll be going back to my apartment tomorrow."

"Then, can I drive you tomorrow to your apartment before I leave the next day?"

His face is coming closer to me. I swallow the lump forming in my throat. There's not much I feel about him but having him this close makes me blush. I sigh, looking down. Why does Tristan have to get all the butterflied in my stomach? He should've at least left some for this guy. Or at least for some other guy. Now it's hard to deal with my feelings without thinking about him.


I nod, looking up to meet his eyes. "Sure, you can. That would be great."


You didn't expect him coming back right when it's about to end, did you? What do you think will happen next? Oh, I'm so excited for the next chapter. Stay tuned! 

xx jules_

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