The Roommate Disaster - Operation: Help Kurt Special 2

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The Roommate Disaster - Operation: Help Kurt Special 2

Kurt is taking so long to dress up. I ask Tristan to check on him but he says that he only shut the door to his face. I get that he's nervous but he has to face this right now. Last night he showed me a picture of Kylie from years ago and the girl is really, really gorgeous. They kind of lost their way together because she got busy with her life and she forgot she had Kurt. By the time she found what she wanted, she already lost him. I actually like their love story. It's romantic and a little bit tragic.

"He's here," Tristan announces, opening his door wide.

Kurt's head hangs low, making me groan and roll my eyes. "Are you really Kurt?"

He looks up and smiles sheepishly. "Sorry. I really don't know if I can do this," he admits.

I get up from my seat and walk over to him. I square him on the shoulder, look into his eyes and say, "Yes, you can. It may not be the best idea but you have to give yourself the closure you need. Be with her or close this chapter so you can finally move on and get laid."

Tristan coughs.

I turn to him. "What?"

"I think he gets laid even if this issue is open," Tristan says with a smirk towards Kurt.

I groan again. "That's TMI, Tristan," I mutter. "Okay." I cross my arms and look him over. "You're not looking that bad. So where are we meeting this girl?"

"Uh..." Tristan rubs the back of his head. "Tristan sort of the one who called Kylie."

I close my eyes for a moment. "Please tell me you did not pretend to be Kurt, Tristan."

"Well, she bought it, you know."

I growl. "I'm gonna kill you two!" They both run across the living room, away from me. "You don't start meeting her with lying. That's not part of the rules."

"What rules are we talking about here, anyway?" Tristan asks.

I shake my head. "Girls invisible rule or whatever. I just made it up." I let out a heavy sigh. "Tell me again why I'm dating you."


"You know what? Let me handle this one. You two stay here." I walk over to them but they step behind the couch. "What? I'm gonna need her number."

Kurt shakes his head. "I'm not giving you her number."

"And why not?"


"I don't think you have a say in this after Tristan pretended to be you. Now give me her number." He is saying something under his breath but I'm not just too concern about what is it. He hands me his phone, showing Kylie's number. I immediately dial it on my phone and when it starts ringing, I go out.

But before shutting the door close, I hear Tristan says, "That's why I told you not to get her involved."

The ringing continues for the third time but no one answers on the other end. I redial again but still no answer. Right when I'm just about to redial for the second time, Kylie's number pops on the screen. She's calling me.

I answer right away, "Hey."

"Um, I'm sorry. I don't think you have the right number?"

"Is this Kylie?" I ask quick.

There is a short pause before she answers. "This is her. Who am I speaking to?"

"Hi, I'm Billie. I believe you know Kurt?"

"Kurt Lowell? You know him?"

I thought she's going to hang up on me. "Yes. Can we meet? Today?"

"Is Kurt going to be with you? Wait." She fumbles for few seconds. "Are you... are you his girlfriend?"

I don't know if lying to this girl will do any good to Kurt. "Just meet me. Are you in South Carolina?"

"Yes, yes. I have an apartment near Saint Albert."

"That's good then. I'll meet you there. There's a cafe right in front of it, right? Let's meet there. I'll see you, Kylie." I hang up before she can ask any more questions.

I go back inside the apartment and see that the two guys are not in the living room. I walk to the kitchen and find them having some bro time with beers. Tristan smiles toothily at me while Kurt frowns.

"Do you want me to lie or tell Kylie the truth?" I ask.

He gets up from his seat, his beer almost topple over on top of the table. "You talked to her?"

I nod. "She seems nice. We're meeting now."

Tristan drops his head on the table. "Please just tell her the truth. We have a date today but we can't go because of this guy," Tristan complains.

"I don't know. I'm not ready to meet her," Kurt admits. After all those times he helped me with Tristan, this is the first time I'm seeing him so vulnerable. Not only he looks innocent but also he doesn't seem to figure out anything.

"Or you can just meet her, you know," I suggest. "You can tell her anything and then be done with her. If that's what you want to happen of course."

"I can't. Not yet."

"If I pretend to be your girlfriend, how do you think she'll react?" 

"She's still apologizing for what she did and I keep on rejecting her," he says. "I can't think of how she's going to react."

I take his hand and start dragging him out the door. "Well, we'll find out together then."

"Billie!" Tristan calls out but we're already out and I'm not stopping until Kurt figures out things for himself.


The next chapter is the meet up with Kylie.

Tell me what do you think should Billie and Kurt do. Lie and pretend to be girl/boyfriends or tell the truth and see how Kurt will take the news from Kylie's sudden appearance.

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