The Roommate Disaster - Twenty-One

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The Roommate Disaster – Twenty-One

"Mom, you don't really have to come with me. I'll just ask Sadie," I tell mom as I sling my bag on my shoulder.

She rolls her eyes. "I want to see your room. I'm pretty sure a mother's input is needed," she says.

"I'm pretty sure I won't be needing your help and I love you." I kiss her on the cheek before running out of the house. I hear her say something but I'm too far to hear whatever it is.

I slow down and just take a look around. It's a thirty-minute walk to Sadie's so I'm going to stop by at the nearby grocery store to buy some snacks to bring at the apartment. Just thinking about going to apartment, it makes me wanna go back home.

Last night...

"It's already late. Just stay the night here," Tristan said, getting out of the car.

I debated with myself. I knew it's late. I just drove one and a half hours just to make sure he got home safe. But I couldn't stay in the apartment. While I knew I offered him a car ride home, I was still a bit mad at him for a lot of reasons.

So I stayed in the car and just waited for him to get inside the apartment. I was sure he wouldn't even notice I'd already left. He looked pretty tired anyway.

I started the engine again and as I backed away, I heard him calling my name.

"Billie, just stay the night will you? Like you, I won't get some proper sleep if I know you're still on the road, driving this late."

I heard the concern in his voice but I had this nagging voice in my head that I shouldn't stay. Well, not until I really had to. I figured I'd just call Sadie but then it's a long drive here and while I was thinking of my parents too, it wouldn't be a very good idea. I turned off the engine then and got out of the car. He got inside and waited for me to get in before closing the door.

Once we were inside the apartment, all what happened days before came crashing in my mind. I stood there in the living room awkwardly, unable to move. I didn't know what my position would be at this very moment.

"Do you want to get change? I can lend you my pyjama, if you want."

I looked anywhere but him. I hated what I was currently feeling: sad and mad. "I have some clothes in my room," I said instead and headed to my room.

"Billie," he called. "Good night."

I thought he'd apologized for what happened. I thought wrong. I didn't say good night back to him but just shut the door behind me and slept in the clothes I was still wearing.

"I am not taking you there," Sadie says, crossing her arms over her chest.

I gape at her. "You are, my dear best friend. Who is going to protect me if something happens?" I ask dramatically.

"I thought you backed out? Why are you going back there?"

"Mom doesn't want me to back out."

"Does your mom knows what happened the last time you were there?"

"Of course I didn't say that. If I did, I'm pretty sure she'll be the first person to tell me to back out."

She gives me a pointed look.

"You are so mean," I tell her.

"Not as mean as your soon-to-be roommate."

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