The Roommate Disaster - Twenty

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The Roommate Disaster – Twenty

"What made you change your mind?" mom asks over dinner the next night. After I told her about my decision not to go on with living in Tristan's apartment, she starts to panic. I think it's only because college will start soon so I have to find a new apartment or I'll be driving a minimum of one hour and maximum of four hours. Traffic can be exhausting on the way to Saint Albert West.

"I just think that it'll be easier if I have my own place, don't you think?" I say, trying to sound convincing. Mom can smell if something is wrong and right now is not the time to be nosy on the real reason why I backed out.

"We can't just find a new apartment two weeks before the start of school. Most apartments are full, especially those that are close to universities and colleges," she says.

"What about dormitory? I'm sure—"

"You are not going to stay in a dormitory," dad interrupts.

"Why not? I mean, it's like an apartment."

"You won't get any privacy and I don't want any one prying into your private life." Ah, my dad is such a sweet person.

"I'll call Tristan and ask him if the room's still available." I gape at mom. I want to protest but she's already on her way to their room to get her phone.

I face dad. "Stop her, dad," I say in urgency.

"When your mom do something without our consent, we shouldn't stop her. You know that saying? Mother knows best. Are you done with your dinner?"

I nod, getting up from my seat.

"I'll do the dishes. Go to your mom and listen on to the conversation," he says, winking at me.

It's a good thing I have cool parents but having a mom like mine is sometimes frustrating. I give dad a kiss on the cheek before running off to their room.

Only when I open their room, she isn't there. My eyes widen and I run off to my room. She doesn't have Tristan's number. I have his number. Of course she'll sneak in my room.

"Mom!" I yank open the door.

She smiles at me. "Alright. It's nice talking to you, Tristan. Bye."

"What did you do?" I ask. I walk towards her. "What did you say to him?"

She shrugs with an innocent smile. "I told him that you're not backing out, that you just want more space so he's giving it to you."

My brow furrows in confusion. "Giving me what?"

"Space. He said he'll be out of town for two weeks. You'll have the apartment all to yourself on the first two weeks. And then after that, he said he won't intervene with your private life. It'll be only a roommate situation. Just in one condition, you have to cook him food because he doesn't have the time to do that," she explains.

"You're unbelievable, mom," I groan.

"What's unbelievable with that? I like Tristan. And he slept in your room and nothing happened. I think that takes a lot of effort not to kiss you!" she gushes. My mom is going back to being a teenager. "Just look at you! You're so attractive. I wonder why he hasn't kissed you yet."

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