The Roommate Disaster - Fourteen

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The Roommate Disaster - Fourteen

Mom knows when to make a situation really awkward. She doesn't need Tristan to stay while I'm explaining. Tristan, on the other hand, doesn't have to agree with mom. I bet he just wants to hear some answers. He probably has questions as well. Who won't want answers anyway? I kissed him earlier today and now I am somebody's girlfriend. I'm pretty sure whatever kind of image he has on me has been damaged and ruined.

"Let's make it clear," mom starts, clearing her throat, "Drake Johnson is your boyfriend since when?"

I swallow the lump in my throat. Their eyes are piercing, placing a deep hole on my body. It is a mistake looking at Tristan. His expression is bored but curious. I wonder what he is thinking right now.

I look at the time and it's already past nine in the evening. Tristan has to go now or he'll be driving by midnight. He lives at least two hours away from here.

"Mom," I call her attention, "Tristan has to go. It's already late."

Tristan is the one who answers for her, "It's okay. I don't mind," he says.

I narrow my eyes at him. He matches my look which completely throws me off guard. He never uses that look towards me before. Why is he... mad?

"I'm hundred per cent sure you have to go now. It's late," I repeat for him. Maybe he doesn't realize how late he is now. I reach for my phone and shows the time to him. "See? It's late." But he only frowns at the screen. I feel it vibrate in my hand. I turn it back to me and see my candid photo again. I have to change that one. I feel like I'm calling myself.

Mom shakes her head at me. I beg her through my eyes. When she sighs, I know I get her approval. I excuse myself for a while and answer Drake's call.

"What now?" I snap, not meaning to.

"I take it she doesn't approve of me?" Drake asks with a wince in the end.

I sigh, rubbing my temples. "No, that's not it. She's just... surprised." I still can't believe I have a boyfriend now either. What Drake and I have is not something called love. It's just infatuation and maybe just some spur-of-the-moment event. It may pass eventually once he makes his way to San Francisco. If that happens and he forgets that he has a girlfriend (pretty sure that's still me), and gets involve with another girl then I will be fine with that. He doesn't need to commit anything to me. His last two days is all really have with me and after that, I'm not so sure at all.

"Can I see you tonight again?" he asks, interrupting my thoughts.


He chuckles. "Yeah. Again. I only have two days then it's going to be call, text, e-mails and video chats. I don't think I'll be able to handle that. I want to make sure I spend every second with you," he states. He's sweet and charming. But something inside me is kicking in. It's not something I feel for Drake. It's something I feel for Tristan. It wants to get out and slap me left and right for doing the wrong thing.


"I won't take no for an answer, Billie. Whoever that guy is at your house, I don't care. I just want to spend the night with you."

"Tristan is still here and mom isn't done with her interrogation..." Just then, someone clears their throat just close by. "I'll call you later," I say before hanging up, not waiting for him to answer.

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