The Roommate Disaster - Eight

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The Roommate Disaster - Eight

My heart is not settling down.

Maybe I am attracted to Tristan but I can't tell if there's something more than that. Sadie has to come back already. She has to open my eyes to some various things in relationships and connections. It's not like I haven't been in a relationship. But it's not something I am proud of as well. I'd like to keep that ugly memory in the back of my head.

I hear some chuckles outside my room. Curious, I press my ear to the door.

"Maybe it's because of the food she shared to me," I hear someone who's clearly not Tristan says.

"Oh yeah?" This time, it's Tristan. "What did she bring?"

"Mac and cheese, bro. Keep her for long. I'd like to eat edible foods from now on." Chuckle again. "Anyway, I forgot my things. I thought I'd stay for long after I eat but I just want to get some things done."

"Well, after that project, you'll be in cloud nine again for sure." There's goodbyes and all and then the door shuts close.

I take a peek from my door and my cheeks heat up when I see Tristan looking down at me. He is wearing his smile which I'm not used to yet. I wave a hand and go back inside, covering my hand with my face.

There's a knock on my door and I jump slightly. I put a hand to my chest and feel my heart is still hammering fast. I don't understand why am I feeling like this. There has to be some explanation to it.

I stand up and open my door. "Hey." He is now wearing a shirt that says, 'Fictional characters are the sexiest people in the world.' "Cool shirt," I comment.

He looks down and I see him blush. "Thanks," he mumbles. "I brought some food but you brought something already and..." he trails off, scratching the back of his head, a sign that he is nervous. That gesture is something I learned from the time I started going here in the apartment.

"I haven't eaten yet, if that's what you're trying to imply. Kurt ate your share of the food so I thought I'd wait for you so you can eat mine. Mom will be disappointed if she finds out that you didn't get the chance to taste the food she made for us," I say, shrugging.

His smile is small but I like it. "That's nice of you."

I step out of my room and go to the kitchen where I left my share of food. He sits at the countertop. I can't help but shake my head as I look at him. He looks like a kid waiting to be fed.

"What did you bring?" I ask, reheating mac and cheese. As I wait for the timer to stop, I turn to him, waiting for his answer.

"Oh right." His eyes widen. "It's in my ba-ahhg..."

I run around the countertop. His shoelaces got tangled in the foot of the chair. "Are you okay?" I ask, extending a hand to help him up. But instead of me lifting him up, he pulls me down with him on the floor. I fall on top of him and our faces are barely an inch apart.

"I'm..." But he stops whatever he is about to say. He is staring at me like I'm some kind of a new specie. "You look nice today," is what he says instead. It's not even above a whisper but I hear it loud and clear.

It takes me a moment to realize that we are in a very awkward position. I try to get up but find his arm around me.

"You can let go of me now," I say, wincing in the end.

The Roommate DisasterWhere stories live. Discover now