The Roommate Disaster - Special Part 2 (Kurt's POV)

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The Roommate Disaster - Special Part 2

Kurt's POV

Four months give my arms and legs some fats. So I decide that the first step to my two month break is to go to the gym. I have to get back to shape if I want to get some woman for myself. That way, I can also bring Tristan to every clubs there is and we can both get wasted. I'm sure that Tristan won't have the hard time finding someone to dance with when I bring him to the clubs. What my real concern is if he will even dance with anyone. Billie is close to me, yes, but if this is what her effect to him, I might not see that girl anymore.

But I'm a hypocrite, definitely.

What I don't tell Tristan is that, I still have communication with Billie. It's not that constant but from time to time, we text each other.

As I make my way to the gym, I think of the places Tristan and I should go this evening. We are going to be wasted that we won't even remember what happened. I want to help my friend to move on. If he needs to get laid just so he won't think about Billie anymore then that's what I'm going to do. I just hope that Billie won't hate me for doing that to him. That girl still likes Tristan.

"Kurt?" I snap my head towards where I hear my name being called. "It is you."

It's Kylie. What in the world?

"Hi," she says.

Why are we even crossing each other's paths lately?

I just give him a nod before continuing my walk. All I want to do is to get away from her as far as possible but I don't think that's what she wants as well. I can hear her footsteps behind me and it annoys me that what we talk about last night doesn't sink in in her head.

I turn around and face her with an annoyed look on my face. "Didn't I tell you to stop?" I ask, irritation filling in my voice.

She seems taken aback. Sighing, she says, "I'm not following you. It just so happen that we are walking the same direction. I don't know where you are going and I'm pretty sure it's not the gym."

I groan, throwing my head back. Something really is going on. Fate is trying to sabotage my two month vacation.

"Why are you going to the gym?" I ask, a little bit louder than I expect it to be. With a heavy sigh, I add, "Never mind." I wave her off. "Please. Try not to bump with me while you're here. I don't want my days off to be as bad as this one. I'd like to have some peace of mind, okay?" Then I walk back towards the apartment.

But Kylie is persistent.

"I'm really, really sorry, Kurt. I miss you, you know," she says.

I remove her hands from mine. "Don't even say that," I warn her.


"I HATE YOU! JUST STOP, KYLIE!" I shout before running off.

I can't stay there any longer. The longer I stay there, the more I want to hug her, and it's making me so mad at myself because I already set my mind that I should hate her forever.


Yep. I just did it again.

Actually, I might start writing Kurt's story. It's going to be a spinoff and just a short story. We're going to go way back before he even met Tristan. We're going back during his high school days, right when he met Kylie. Wait for that one. It might come sometime around December ;)

xx jules_

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