The Roommate Disaster - Twenty-Six

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The Roommate Disaster - Twenty-Six

I stare at my phone, not even blinking my eyes. I'm trying to figure out if I did read it right or he just sent the wrong words. But the screen is about to sleep off as the light of my phone starts to die down. Sadie nudges me on waist and I squeak helplessly.

"What's up with you?" she asks, a frown forming on her face. She peaks on my phone but I hide it right away. "Who's that?" Her eyes turn to slits as she advances towards me. I'm at a disadvantage at this point. There's nowhere left to run where you're inside a car and cramped up in the backseat with your best friend, threatening to snatch your phone.

"Sadie it's not what you think!" It comes out more as a shout than I intend it to be. At the same time, the car comes to a halt.

"Sorry, ladies!" calls Kurt from the driver's seat.

Sadie is still frowning at me even though she hits her head on the window. "Why am I feeling it's Tristan you're texting."

I look at the rearview mirror and see the wince Kurt let out.

"He just wants to know where are we going," I reason out.


I am not getting out of this interrogation unless I tell her the real reason, and it's best to do that since she's my best friend and she's kind of mad at him.

"He wants to follow," I say. Kurt winces more.

"Follow, huh?"

Kurt drives again. Sadie crosses her arms over her chest. She faces me with a close-mouthed smile which I don't like the most. She has something on her mind.

"Let him follow then," she says afterwards.

I gape at her. "Sadie, he's changed"

"Does it make what he did to you change?" If she puts it that way...

"No," I answer, looking down at the phone in my hand.

"He has to prove himself, you know. You're not just a best friend to me. You're like a sister and I'm not just going to sit here and watch you break your own heart to a guy who hasn't committed anything to you."

I am speechless then. Sadie is not the type who expresses her emotions publicly. Yeah, we do tell each other how much we care but never in a serious way. We have this interaction between us that only the two of us can understand. I know that when Sadie turns this serious, she means business. Tristan really has to prove himself to my best friend before he can get to me.

I reply back, Saint Albert beach.

* * *

We arrive at the beach. It isn't packed like what Kurt has speculated. We settle our things in the cabin we rented days ago before heading to the beauty of the shoreline. It's only ten but the sun is prickling hot. We don't really plan on swimming as it's not the season for it but when Kurt sees the water, he strips his shirt and runs to the sea. Sadie looks wide-eyed to my direction before she, too, strips her clothes, showing that she has worn her swimsuit beforehand.

My phone is in my pocket all along and since the time I replied to Tristan, he hasn't texted me back. Maybe he's driving, my thought says. Or maybe he decided not to go, another voice says.

Damn it. I don't go out here just to sit around and worry if Tristan's going to follow or not.

I get up and strip down my clothes as well. Sadie isn't the only one who's ready to go swim. I hear Kurt whistles to my direction but I ignore him as I run to where they are.

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