The Roommate Disaster - Twenty-Five

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The Roommate Disaster - Twenty-Five

I text Kurt and tell him to free his Saturday and Sunday. I've planned to go out of town with my friends before the start of a hectic week at school. Sadie can't make it to the apartment on Friday night. She said she'll drive in the morning. I wake up at around six and, already texted Kurt to go here and pick my things before Tristan wakes up. He has work every Saturday so I don't think of inviting him anymore.

But I hear something from outside. I gasp and run immediately only to see Tristan at the door, gripping the knob while talking to someone who I assume is Kurt.

"What in the world are you doing?" he asks irritably.

I want to look away but I can't. He's still handsome even though he has only his back to me.

"Out of town? With Billie? The two of you only?" he asks some more as his voice is rising up a notch.

I hear the panic in Kurt's voice. "I mean, Sadie is coming too and it's not that kind of vacation you're thinking... It's just the friendly way and--" he tries to explain but Tristan cuts him off.

"Go back to your apartment," he orders.

"Wha... what? But Billie texted me..." he tells him.

"She didn't even invite me," I hear him utter. I slowly close my door but not to the point where I can't hear them.

"She wanted to but she said you have work," Kurt says solemnly.

"She just don't want to be around me." He groans. "I tried making it up to her. I bought her the book she likes. I don't say anything that might ruin her day. I tried everything I could to make her smile to me! To me, Kurt. But, I don't know. It feels like I mess up things between us already."

I sigh sadly. I don't know that that's what he is feeling. I've done everything to avoid him because I thought that's what he wants. I can't believe that I do things without acknowledging what he might really feel.

"I'm sure she doesn't mean to, you know, not invite you," Kurt tries to lighten the mood.

Tristan widens the front door, letting Kurt in. "I don't know if she's already awake," he tells him before turning around.

My eyes widen, shutting the door harder than I thought. I shuffle on my feet. I should be on the bed. Or maybe I should be on the floor, preparing my things. My things are already ready though. Ugh. Why is Sadie taking so long anyway?

Then there's a knock on my door.

"Billie?" It's only Kurt.

I mess up my hair to make me look like I just got out of bed before walking over to open my door.

Kurt grins at me but he's not the one I notice. Tristan is standing in my field of vision and looking straight back at me with a solemn expression. I want to smile to him but he already turns his back to me. Kurt sees the change on my face and follows where I'm looking at.

"You still have time to invite him, you know," he says for only both of us to hear.

"You think so?" I ask in assurance.

He nods. I take a deep breath before getting out of my room, walking to the kitchen where he has gone to.

He's drinking as he texts someone on the phone.

I frown. "Don't you think it's too early for beer?" I ask.

"Christ... Billie!" he snaps.

I walk over across the countertop. "What? It's too early for that." I reach for the bottle of beer but he grabs it right away.

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