Chapter 2: Getting To Know You

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Hancock's POV

"Luffy~! Are you still hungry? I can ask my servants to bring more food up here," I said. I can't stare directly on my dear Luffy. 

"Thanks Hammock!" He said while chewing on his food. He is so handsome. 

"So Luffy, do you have any plans for today?" I said walking over to him.

"I'm going to meet my friends at a nearby cafe,"


"Dunno, when Nami calls,"

Nami, she can't take my Luffy away from me. 

"Tell me about this Nami," I smirked.

"She's good with maps, she's going to study about cartography for college. And she loves Sanji," 

Nami loves Sanji, that's nice to hear. 

"Ohh okay. I'll let you go on your meeting with your friends," 

"I love this!" Luffy exclaimed.

"I love you too Luffy," I said not meeting his eyes. I was blushing really hard.

"No, I meant this candy, is this from Fishman Island?" 

"I do~!"

Nami's POV

"Sanji-kun, it's a good thing we're on the same room," I told Sanji after he got out from the bathhouse in our room. He's only in his towel.

"Yeah," He said while drying his blond hair. "Nami-san can you close your eyes for a sec, I'll just get dressed," he said formally. "Unless you want to see meeeeeee~!" He started doing his noodle dance. 

"Idiot!" I spanked him. 

"Kidding," he said as he took his clothes and headed back to the bathhouse to get dressed.

I stood up to fix my things on the study table. The officer already told us about the mix up of the names. I'm pretty happy to be with Sanji, but of course, I still want to be with Robin. Besides, Zoro and Robin barely know each other. I hope they're okay.

Robin's POV

"So all you do is train, eat and sleep?" I asked with an eyebrow arched.

"Yup. My turn, what are your favorite snacks?" Zoro asked while laying on his stomach and facing me. 

"Hmm, I like coffee and cake," I smiled sweetly. After Zoro and I fixed my things, we agreed to get to know more about each other. And to make it more fun, we made a game.


"Oi Woman, where should I put these?" she said holding one of my bras and examining it. I giggled at him. Upon realizing what he was holding, he instantly put it back in my suitcase. 

"Tch, I'm sorry," he said, embarrassed.

"It's okay, you'll be seeing those a lot more since we're roommates." I giggled.

It was pretty awkward. After that, he sat on my bed, watching me as I folded my clothes and other garments. I piled them neatly on the closet then moved on to my books. 

"You've got a lot of books," he said trying to break the awkwardness.

"I love reading,"


"History and sometimes romance," I smiled sweetly at him.

"Oh, I don't read. Well not that I DON'T. Just, when needed," he stuttered. 

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