Chapter 11: Letters and Movies

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A/N: It's already a Saturday. (In the other chapter it was a Friday)

Sanji's POV 

Knock knock

I woke up from the sound of knocking, I checked the clock. 6:30 AM. I overslept! 

I quickly stood up and got dressed. I glanced at Nami-san who was sleeping peacefully on her bed. I cautiously walked up to her and kissed her forehead. 

I answered the door, and my morning was ruined. 

"What're you doing here? I thought Marimos sleep until 10 AM," I whispered angrily.

"Shut up Love Cook," He grumbled and pulled me out of our room. I closed the door. "Read," he demanded and handed me a piece of paper. I opened it and read in my mind.

Dear Mr. Roronoa, 

Greetings! We are pleased to inform you that from the past two days, we've seen potential in you. We would like you to compete for the school for the Kendo Championship this fall. (A/N: IT'S AUGUST IN HERE) Your participation would be greatly appreciated. For more information on this subject, please see your adviser this Monday. Thank you!


Swordsmen Area

I looked at Zoro. "Congrats," I congratulated him and pat his back. 

"Idiot!" He pointed at the lower part of the paper. 

P.S. If you decide to come, you'll be leaving school for 2 years and comeback for a year and your graduation.


I looked at him again. "What's your plan?" He shakes his head. 

"I don't know," he said and avoided my eyes. I put a hand on his shoulder. 

"You're going to have to make a decision," He nodded.

"I want to stay with Robin, but I know this can help me achieve my dream," He sighed. "I guess I'll just leave it to luck," 

I laughed and handed him a piece of paper. He read it and looked at me. 

"You're not the only one," I took a cigarette out and lit it. We headed to the park. 

On the way, we saw Usopp and Luffy. 

"Luffy! Usopp!" I called. When they saw us they ran to us and handed us a piece of paper. We handed them ours. 

"Looks like we're not the only ones," Zoro smirked. 

"I don't want to leave Hancock!" Luffy said seriously. "But... this can help me become the Pirate King," 

"We feel the same Luffy," Usopp but a hand on Luffy's shoulder. 

"Robin haven't even answered yes and now I'm leaving," Zoro said seriously but with a hint of sadness, depression and disappointment in his voice. 

"Maybe everyone got a letter too?" I asked. If the four of us got one, maybe the others have too.

Nami's POV 

Sanji-kun's been all distant to me since last night. What could be up? 

"Sanji-kun," I asked while we were eating dinner, together with Zoro and Robin. 

"Hmm?" He asked while munching on his food. 

"Do we have any problems?" He looked at me, then at Zoro. I gave them a questioning look. Sanji-kun shake his head. Though I doubted it, I just nodded. 

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