Chapter 5: Rebound?

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A/N: I WON'T SLEEP TO UPDATE 4 CHAPTERS!!! ONE DOWN 3 TO GOOO~! Please rate and comment tooo~! THANKS guys~!!

Robin's POV 

"Robin, babe, I can't find my earphones did you see them anywhere in the dorm?" Zoro said, eyes glued to his phone.  

Whenever I remember that my cheeks still burn! I think I like him. I smiled to myself while reading a book.

Ding! (Robin received a message) 

From: Zoro

Why're you smiling? 

Robin looked over to the other side of the room where Zoro laid on his bed. Robin typed her message. 

To: Zoro

Why're you watching?


I watched as Zoro read the text message. He sat on his bed and smirked at me. 

"You hungry?" He finally spoke. 

I just stared at him.

"Coffee? Cheesecake? Anything? My treat," He said as he searched for clothes from his closet. We just got home from our 'exercise' this morning and it's 8:58 AM already. 

"Zoro-kun, what's the date today?" I asked, closing my book. He suddenly looked at me.

"I said that?!" He said surprised. What

"What?" I asked confused. He sat on his bed.

"What did you say?" He asked, now calmly.

"What's the date today?" I repeated. He sighed. 

"May-" he started and looked at his phone. "13. Oh it's Coby's birthday today," 

"And Rayleigh-san's," I continued.

"I don't have their numbers to greet them. You?" He said and threw his phone on the bed.

"None," I answered as I stood up to search for clothes to wear. "By the way, Zoro, school's starting, do you have materials already?" 

"None too," He answered and headed to the bathhouse in our room. 

"Want to go shopping later?" I asked before he entered. He stopped for a bit.

"Shop?" He stood there and thought. "I don't like shopping," 

"I'll go myself then, don't get lost here okay? If you are lost, call me or another friend and don't move," I told him as I headed to the door to go to Room 028 to take a bath too.



"I'll go,"


"I don't want you alone,"

"And why is that?"

"Uhh.." he mumbled something yet I didn't hear it. "I promised that I'll protect you. And I'll go to 028 you take a bath here." 


"Zoro how about this?" I asked handing him a black button up shirt with yellow buttons. We were currently in UNIQLO buying clothes for each other. I took the shirt from her and put it in the basket that I'll fit later. Unfortunately, it fell.

"How 'bout you?" he asked as we both bent down to pick the fallen garment, then our hands met. We looked at each other and blushed. I retrieved my hand and avoided his gaze. I walked to a rack of v-neck shirts and took a green one for him. 

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