Chapter 21: His Message

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Nami's POV

"How do you think is Robin going to react about this?" I asked Sanji-kun.

"Well, she is mad at Marimo, right? So I guess she wouldn't care," Sanji said and blew smoke. I took the cigarette from him and inhaled too but he quickly got it from me. "Smoking is bad for your health,"

I rolled my eyes. "Look who's talking," I whispered to myself. "But Sanji-kun, Robin might say that she's mad at Zoro but I can still see that deep inside, she loves him. You can't stay mad at someone you love," I said and Sanji just nodded. I sat up on the bed and leaned my head on Sanji-kun.

He sighed. "You're right, Marimo's a real idiot," He said and I chuckled.

"By the way, it's November 2, Brook's leaving today," I said as I stood up.

"Don't bother, Luffy's taking him,"Sanji said. "I'll prepare lunch," He kissed my cheek and headed to the kitchen.

"Oh Robin, of all men, why Zoro?" I thought aloud. Well, I guess I should talk to her now, before lunch.

Robin's POV

I woke up feeling lonely. It's only been a day since he left. How am I gonna survive this for 2 years? Well, I guess I'll get used to it. I sure miss him. Maybe I should contact him, right? I stood up to get my phone to text Zoro when someone knocked.

"It's open," I called. Nami walked in. "Hi Nami, what brings you here?"

"I, uh, I've got something to tell you," She said nervously and sat beside me on the bed.

"What is it about?" I asked, trying to hide my nervousness as well.

Nami bit her lip. "Zoro,"

"What about him?" I asked, rather impatiently.

"Uhm, he called last night," Nami started and looked at me. I gave her a reassuring look, to urge her to continue. "He informed us that Mihawk told him to focus. So he decided to cut all connections to all of us between the two years,"

It took me a while to process what Nami said. Why would he do that? Does he see us as a nuisance? Are we trouble to him? It seemed like my heart fell. I just nodded at Nami and she stood up.

"Here," She said and handed me a piece of paper. "I wrote down what Zoro wanted to say to you," Nami smiled. "Lunch's almost ready," She said and left.

I managed to smile and opened the letter.

Hey, can you imagine it? We've started when I went to your house to fetch you and I even thought 'Robin' was a boy. We eventually became friends, best friends, when we were roommates. You wouldn't notice but the moment I've known you more, made me fall for you right then. When Kuina died, I forgot what love felt like, what love is. But when you came into my life, you made that long lost fire inside me grow. You don't know how much you changed me and the way I looked at things. Well I just wouldn't admit it but I've become softer, not literally. We became friends, best friends, eventually fell for each other, made promises, I broke them, and we got hurt. Life.

Robin I know my sorry is not enough to heal your broken heart. I know it's my fault. I was stupid. Sorry. When you weren't answering my messages, I thought I was only bothering you. So I decided to break contacts. Just for the mean time, so our wounds can heal. This is why I just asked Nami to write what I'm saying right now. I don't have the courage to tell this to you on the phone, where I can hear your voice. I remember the day you gave me your last hug, last kiss too. When you said goodbye, I saw the helplessness in your eyes. I know you said goodbye, I know you said you're mad at me and I know that you never wanted me to leave your side. I promised that, but here I am breaking promises again. Sorry. Well it's only been a day, but it feels like forever, not seeing you and your smile, it tears my world apart. The fact that I can't protect you and that I can't wipe your tears is unbearable too. And Robin? Can you give me one last chance? When I get back, please, please, please, forgive me. You know someone once told me, when you really love someone, don't let her go. And I really love you Robin. Well I also promised not to say that but I can't help it. I'll fight for you. I'm sure our love deserves another chance.

Hey when you read this please think of all the times we've spent together, all those memories, good times. Ask yourself, how would you have been without those right now? Can you live without me, your Kenshi-san? I can't imagine myself saying this. I am a man of actions, I didn't even know I kept this in me. I just can't imagine myself saying those, but here I am, being idiotic and out of character. For the only woman I love.

I can't help but tear up at what he just said. The fact that I really hurt him that much makes me cry even more. I laid back in the bed and covered my face with the pillow.

"Lunch time Robin," Nami said as she entered. When she saw me there, she instantly ran to me and hugged me. "You've read the letter?"

I nodded and sniffed.

"He also told me that I shouldn't let you cry," She said kindly and continued to hug me. "You know I think he was also crying while he was saying that. The sudden pauses and the sniffs. Also I could tell by the way he spoke, like he had a runny nose. You guys really love each other don't you?" Nami smirked.

I chuckled. "He's an idiot. Come, let's eat," I said as I wiped my tears. He did say that I shouldn't cry. See you in a bit Zoro.

I love you too.

A/N: yaaaay! I hope you guys enjoyed this tear jerking chapter! Comment and vote! Thanks for those who continue to support me in this book lol

HI Tropicfy! A special mention for my special reader!

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