Chapter 19: Airport

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Zoro's POV 

So we're finally here. 

"I-i'll get your bags out," Luffy proposed and got off the car, followed by Hancock. Nami followed shortly after fixing her hair. Now Robin and I are the only ones left.  

"I love you," I suddenly said. Robin avoided my look and sighed. 

"No, don't say that again," She said sadly. 

"Mhm," I said, I didn't want to be stubborn. 

"So, this is goodbye?" Robin said looking straight to my eyes. I sighed and nodded.

"I'll be back, in two years. Don't forget me," I said and she just rolled her eyes. "I have a last wish right?" 

Robin froze. "Can we just forget about that?" Robin said as she started to open the door. Just in time, I stopped her. I got the container from my pocket and handed her the necklace. 

"Keep it. I want you to wear that everyday," I said and she opened it. She gasped. 

"Where'd you get this?" Robin asked, taking out the necklace and examining it. 

"It's your birthstone right? Amethyst?" I gently took the necklace from her hand and put it around her neck. She touched the precious gem. 

"R for Robin?" She asked and I nodded. "How'd you even know when my birthday was? I don't recall telling you or you asking me," 

"I stalked you didn't I?" I laughed. 

"You went that far?" She asked and I just nodded. We laughed and when it died down I just stared at her and she looked away, at a distance. 

"So what's on your mind?" I asked gently grabbing her hand. She looked at me and her frustrated look softened. She shake her head and I just nod, understanding that she didn't want to talk about it. 

Robin glanced at her watch. "It's 8:30, let's go?" She said. 

She got out the car followed by me. When we were outside, Luffy's already finished getting my bags out and even prepared them in a baggage trolley. 

"All set," Luffy grinned. I nodded and turned to face Robin. She looked like she was about to cry so I spread my arms out and pulled her to  hug. 

"I'll miss you," I said and she just nodded. "Can I have my last wish?" 

"What is it?" She asked, her voice cracking. 

"I love you," I said and held her tighter. 

"I-" She started. 

"Attention to the passengers of Flight 1066. Flight 1066, please start boarding your planes, thank you," The announcer from the speaker said. 

"I better go," I told Robin and let go. 

"Bye Captain," I waved at Luffy who just grinned. 

"Take care Zoro," Nami said and Hancock just smiled. 

"Thanks," I mouthed. I turned to face Robin.

"Good luck," She said as a tear rolled down her cheek. I quickly wiped it. 

"I'll be better when I get back," I said and patted my swords. "Good luck too," 

" Yeah," She said as she wiped the tears that continuously flowed. 

"Shh, don't cry. I'll be back. I thought you were mad at me? Why're crying now?" I joked to lighten up the gloomy mood. 

Robin giggled. "I am," 

"Attention to the passengers of Flight 1106. Flight 1106, please start boarding your planes, thank you," The announcer from the speaker repeated. 

"Bye," Robin whispered and I nodded. 


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